The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

Hmm, interesting. I would have thought an Orthodox Jew would be wearing a kippah full-time.

Edit again: Yeah, that must be it. Did it again. Very deliberate, and he didn’t really tilt his head back this most recent time. I still find it odd that he wouldn’t simply wear a head-covering.

At least the last guy was entertaining in his terribleness

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My dad just said he thought he saw him wearing a yarmulke earlier, so maybe it fell off.

My son asked if Jamie Raskin was wearing one and I told him it was just a big bald spot.


LOL, I thought the same thing about Raskin when I first saw him. You ponied my mentioning it.

That may be the funniest thing I’ve seen in years.

Pure gold.


Ha, Jman started a whole thread based on it.

Reason # elevenmilionty on why religion is just a huge fucking troll

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They’re really going with the can’t impeach him because he’s not president and thus you can’t remove him because punishment is removal so he can’t be convicted argument I see.

some lawyers wondering why they never tried the you can’t convict my client, he’s already in prison argument



All the Republicans voting no, of course. Just the absolute fucking worst people ever.

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This is the most depressing thing I’ve seen in a very long time. It’s basically world class debate vs a partly drunk guy you pulled off the street randomly and EVERY SINGLE republican is going to vote for the incoherent drunk team.

It’s literally impossible to agree with Trump’s team yet every single republican senator will do so.

I can’t watch anymore.


Yeah their arguments are insane and if they were in a moot court it would be shut down for shenanigans.

Mitch votes no. Portman votes no. Good job media with all those glowing profiles.

Am I missing something or does the GOP interpretation mean the president can hold a press conference on Jan 14th, call Putin live on air and agree to sell him all the nations secrets for $300M, hang up and resign and he can’t be impeached, denied to run again or prosecuted in any way?

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Keep his wig from flipping imo

Tommy fucking Tubberville is really in the Senate. Somewhere, DVaut1 is laughing.

Same vote as last time plus Cassidy.

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Worse. Any president can do any crime of any sort and just resign and completely skate.

Their argument is nonsensical. You would think the former President could get lawyers who could find something unique to argue that at least caused one to think for five seconds.

Ted Cruz approves of these lawyers and their arguments.

Absolute fucking horror show. America is doomed.


I was thinking about this the other day. Sure could he sneak in as a rep? Unfortunately yes. A senator? Seriously?