The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

@wheatrich posted this in LC. Cat-lawyer would be better than that Trump lead-off turd.


Oh good. We are going to get Spicer yelling

What was that drinking water thing? Looked like he was holding his toupee on.

Once before? You mean on Jan 6?

Well at least this asshole is semi-coherent.

yea i thought the same, had to be what that was, holds his head as he drinks with the other hand?

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All video court proceedings should be required to use a cat or dog filter.


Goddamn. The “73 million voters dont want this” talking point is just the dumbest fucking thing. 80 million do. Like… how fucking stupid?


yea just the same as somehow this impeachment trial is going to disenfranchise those 73 million, gtfo, fuck this guy

oh man our standing on the worlds stage going to be destroyed by this impeachment lul

all the tears for this snowflake



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Presidentialllllll harassssmennnnnnttttt

Very ominous music!!

The fall from 197 to 198 does hurt, yes.


I’m getting strong Turd Blossom vibes from this guy.

He’s an Orthodox Jew. I believe he was covering his head before drinking because he’s not wearing a yarmulke. I’m not 100% sure, as I’m not Orthodox.

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Why’d the Trump lawyer hold the top of his head while he took a sip of water?

I think it’s an Orthodox Jewish custom to cover one’s head when eating or drinking and he’s not wearing a head covering. As I said earlier, I’m not totally positive on that.

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