The Former Presidency of Donald J. Trump, Volume XI: The Crypt Keeper Years

This is why I saw Flutie trending on Twitter.

And this is why the trending line said it was associated with Ric Flair.

Why didn’t I click on that when I saw it?

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You know Garland specifically doesn’t want Jan 6th people getting harsh sentences because it might radicalize them?

Merrick Garland is the best.

What a great way to rehabilitate your image after that Dark Side of the Ring episode.


Shit now I gotta hate Ric Flair.

EDIT: Fuck. Just watched the flight from hell on Dark Side of the Ring. Now I really hate Ric Flair.

25 posts were merged into an existing topic: Major League Baseball

DeSantis appointed “Alligator” Ron Bergeron to the Governing Board of the South Florida Water Management District, despite a pretty massive conflict of interest. Bergeron’s construction company was competing for a contract to do work fornthe District.

Yeah, I’ve been following that. Coin toss on who is the biggest scumbag between Bergeron and Lomangino.

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did we get him ?

Dictor declined to characterize Trump’s testimony or answer whether he believed it to be truthful.

“The President was exactly how you would expect him to be, he answered questions the way you would expect Mr. Trump to answer questions and conducted himself in a manner that you would expect Mr. Trump to conduct himself,” Dictor said.


We got him.gif

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To be clear, random people who got beat up on the street got Donald Trump to testify under oath before the United States Congress, Attorney General or Special Prosecutor.


But wait!


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today’s REAL OR ONION?


Jesus 6 years of this shit and he can still leave me in disbelief.

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I mean, he’s RIGHT, but yeah


Hope you get ur wish and that it happens for you too, soon.

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Without looking, Onion. Also,


I was like, that sounds real for sure. Then I went to the trump site and it’s not posted, so I figured it was onion, But then I did a google search and that statement is in the news, it just hasn’t been posted on his website yet.

What a roller coaster ride this morning.

Also, what RIverman posted.

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Wow, it’s actually real.

That guy is going to be president again. Greatest country in the world!