The DNC 2020

Fair point, but also the average American is so dumb that what they think about policy is a poor barometer. My dog thinks that eating random things is a good way to determine if they’re food, but I want a nutritionist who is an expert on nutrition not one who is in touch with my dumbass dog’s perspective.

Are you just making this up or did you hear this somewhere? I don’t think any reasonable analysis has it as a bigger expansion than Medicare in 1966.

Ok I’ll revise since I don’t know the answer “one of the largest”

The red-baiting and “you’re just like a Trumpkin” posting on this site is disgusting. You’re cultists.


Depends on who is in control of the Senate.

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A large percentage of your posts are shit about how much you hate people who don’t follow science and facts and shit like that and you just make shit up like that and post it without even thinking about looking it up?


I made an error, it was pointed out, and I corrected it while accepting my error.

That is how it is suppose to work.

You diligently fact check every post you make?

I’ll also point out the error changes nothing in the context of the post.


I would also add that its kind of irrelevant nit picking. Medicare was arguably more consequential because it was for even more vulnerable citizens over 65, but on the other hand health care cost as a national issue is a bigger deal in the 21st century than it was in the 60s. In any event, Biden should get credit for his role in helping millions of Americans in 2010 even if LBJ did more or better a half century earlier.


Get him!

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The ACA was obviously inferior to M4A, but check in with the 2018 electorate if you don’t think it was an important step forward.


Every single post? Probably not, but essentially every time I post any kind of claim that I’m not pretty sure of I look it up. It’s extremely common for me to look things up before I post. It’s not that hard.


Seriously, who fucking cares about the rankings of healthcare reform. It’s not important to the point Clovis was making.


That’s a terrible post and I can’t believe Clovis had the nerve to like it.

eta: Liking it is worse than the original post. It means it wasn’t just a mistake, it means he has no problem with throwing up absolutist statements like that without having any idea whether or not they are correct.


Someone out there somewhere must have estimated the number of lives saved from ACA, not to mention the number of families saved from bankruptcy.

There were always be people to help with legislation. Every piece of legislation that helps people should be celebrated AND we should scream from the rooftops for more legislation you help more people. I don’t think that’s inconsistent at all.

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Nope, guess again.

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You maybe need to step back a bit micro. Not sure whats up today.

He is not saying nobody cares about the facts. Come on. He is saying it’s not relevant to the discussion.

It’s obviously good you corrected me as we want to be as accurate as possible.

Also @microbet is absolutely not the enemy. I’ve had a few of these weirdly abrasive exchanges with him, but I am certain that his posting always comes from a sincere desire to help people that need help. He’s good people! Kumbaya!


100% agree. Micro is awesome.


I don’t need to step back. You get on a high horse about caring about facts and should not be so loose with them. You should care enough to look things up before you post them.

If I disappear today it’s not stepping back - going to work. If I’m not back by this afternoon, it’s not stepping back - it’ll probably be heat stroke.


If you get heat stroke I hope you are able to use ObamaBidenCare to access the necessary treatment.