The DNC 2020

Just woke up here in Euro-land and immediately did some Googles to find out the precise way Biden shat the bed.

Wait, what, he crushed?


Yea itā€™s ridiculous. People are even making excuses that he only did well because expectations were low. Case in point :arrow_up::arrow_up::arrow_up:

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fuck man youā€™re so gross

Not disagreeing with you or @skydiver8 but I will say that in my case the low expectations are borne out of a deep-seated pessimism about all things that I hope for.



Do you trust Bernie?

Like, come on gang, donā€™t let the Biden speech make you forget the weird and troubling shit.


So, the first of any of the convention that I watched was earlier tonight, and then I had to stop. I havenā€™t even gone back for recordings of much, but I did watch Bidenā€™s speech.

I agree that it was A+, but I disagree with the prior consensus that there was a good chance he would bomb. I think people have either forgotten or never saw some of Bidenā€™s best speeches. I still remember one he gave to a pretty tiny audience where I donā€™t even really remember the purpose or thesis of the speech, but the core message was connecting his grief with that of others. Heā€™s someone who has lost a spouse, something that only about half of us ever half to deal with, and heā€™s someone whoā€™s lost not just one but multiple children, something that is the greatest fear of so very many and the reality of an incredibly sad few. I think that one of Joe Bidenā€™s greatest skills, if not his greatest, is how he can talk about that grief. He can communicate both his sorrow and his will to carry on in the face of what is for many unfathomable tragedy with, shall I say, incredible credibility. It is almost superhuman to merely endure that level of tragedy. Itā€™s harder still to succeed in the face of it. But I argue hardest of all is do both of those things and also to talk about it earnestly and in a fashion that both resonates and inspires people who both have and have not been affected likewise.

Biden was on his A game tonight on all the other subjects, which might be a surprise, but his strongest notes were when talking about his burden of grief, which shouldnā€™t be a surprise, neither that he would succeed on the subject nor that he and his team would choose to cover it. Biden is very good as a prepared speaker, and that shouldnā€™t be a surprise.


Counterpoint: enjoy a good speech, thereā€™s time for leftist criticism tomorrow.

There was some confusion about the question but yeah, this ā€œyour cult leader has betrayed youā€ discourse is played out.

The point is that Bernie recognizes Trump as an existential threat to American democracy, and thinks voting for Biden is absolutely essential. So if you trust Bernie, believe he has the best interests of the progressive movement at heart, think he has a strong record of identifying threats and forecasting events, and consider him to be intelligent, he says vote for Biden.


you two are talking about two different things

Yeah Iā€™m mad about Bloomberg and Powell, and how little time AOC got and that Pressley and Tlaib didnā€™t speak. But that problem cannot be addressed in the next few months. Preserving our democracy can. (Note I said preserve not save.)

We can live to fight another day, which means not just D vs R but Progressive vs Establishment.

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So who do you trust in American politics, then? Who would you actually vote for? What do you do to advance your cause?

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Sounds like a recipe for success.


Shit sucksā€¦but top plan I can at least see path

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