The DNC 2020

I’m really tired but this appears to be…real?

Given the undercount it sounds like a lie to me.

Four Pinocchios

edit: i’m going to stop now bc i’m not processing things right, but is that what they’re saying? are they calling him liar bc he used official government stats?

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Well shit I must’ve repressed all that.

But my thought was “Oh ok, they can only do a nice little prayer thing in this format; if it’s live in front of a crowd all sorts of craziness could happen.”

heeeeey, that’s Mayor Pete’s song! He always said “this president” or “the current president”, never Trump’s name.

I noticed this, too

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“Scrapple is better than pork roll. Pork roll is New Jersey garbage.”

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So he killed god? Promises kept!


Did not watch, but I remain skeptical. Dude got 0.03% of the primary votes in 1984 and 0.05% in 1988 and 0.22% in 2008. Maybe he read a very well written speech and did a decent job of it, but don’t get your hopes up too high.


well mr president, i just spoke with god, he wanted me to tell you i killed him

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Don’t they grift the most when a Dem is in office?

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Yeah it’s kind of old school politics not to say the opponent’s name, I thought. I mean it was a thing in an episode of the West Wing when they flashed back to Bartlet’s primary win.

There has to be something to this, right? Anyone going for a doctorate and needs a thesis to prove?

The prayers usually don’t make it to prime time viewing, I think, so you probably didn’t see it unless you watched gavel-to-gavel coverage on C-SPAN.


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probably not the right thread, but has anyone read “it was all a lie” by Stuart Stevens? i know who he is and what he used to stand for, but i’m curious if this one is worth it and worth giving him money to read, bc as i understand it, it’s him realizing the modern conservative movement is a grift



I listened to a podcast with him recently. Made it halfway through and gave up - it wasn’t terribly interesting or insightful. Short story: For decades, GOP elected officials wanted to lower taxes and roll back regulations. But that’s obviously not appealing to many people, so they need a way to create a larger coalition. So they wrap up the tax cuts with religion and racism, but in a very whisper-whisper way. And when elected, they actually act on the taxes and regulations, but they still give lip service to religion and (in a quieter voice) racism in order to maintain that coalition who is obviously not benefitting from the tax cuts. Then Trump comes along. And rather than treating racism as something that people should be ashamed of and willing to tolerate in service of low taxes, he says, “Fuck it. We should tell people that it’s ok to be racist.” And it worked.


Watching a DJ set with no people is weird.

At my parent’s house is my Delaware football hat autographed by KC Keeler. I ran into him on Main Street and bought it so he could sign it, it was the year after they won the national title with Andy Hall at QB.

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