The DNC 2020

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Dunno if you’re misunderstanding or joking. $X is the amount above which the wealth tax is 100% or 99% or 99.42%.

Oh, 15 million with a cola adjustment based on location of primary residence and place of employment.

Ok, cool. So you’re way way way to the left of Bernie Sanders.

Yeah, no way Biden/Harris is a Milky Way.

They’re more like candy corn or those circus peanut things.

Terrible, but still better than shit.


I really like this analogy, but I would extend it to say Republican politicians are the abusive father, Democrat politicians are the codependent mother just fighting to save her kids from a beating but also in denial about everything she does that also hurts her children, and voters are the helpless children caught in the middle.


Oh, shit, I hadn’t clicked like yet. Thanks for pointing that out!


Trump/Pence = Peices of dog shit. True.

Pretending that in that analogy Biden/Harris is a snickers bar rather than maggot filled dog food, just to own vict0ar. Delicious.


On some issues. My political stances haven’t changed much over the decades. I was arguing similar positions with regards to taxing the rich when this forum was dominated by anarcho-capitalists. I believe I caught a lot of flack back in the day when I suggested that the “solution” to undocumented immigration was merely to increase the minimum wage to $25 an hour. Not that I really think that particular issue needs to be “solved” anymore anyway.

Edit: I also voted for Bernie in the ‘16 primary, and I voted for HRC in the ‘08 primary. My vote is pretty much the kiss of death for the democratic presidential nominee.

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tom perez not yelling! @skydiver8 get in here!!!

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MOONSHOT time, baby

Sign language lady having much more authentic emotion than Perez

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this is how you win


If you vote Biden for President cancer will be cured


FOAD Tom Perez you juzzmopping scumbag

Pay your prison firefighters and let them get a firefighting job after prison Newsom

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