The DNC 2020

There should be zero surprise Bloomer gets a prime time spot. Cmon.

What a snoozefest. Did they just run out of people to have speak?

Dont think he is in the dont vote Biden/dems they are the same camp.

Negroponte is completely inexcusable. Who is the audience for that scumbag?

He isnā€™t speaking. Just endorsing but not even in the context of the convention as far as I understand.


I mean, I certainly agree with you to a point, and obviously the solution is to raise taxes on corporations and the fucking rich, not spend less, but there is also this possibility if you go too far down the road of unlimited spending solves everything:


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Yes there is a limit but the US isnā€™t even close to it.

That would make no sense. If they had some speaker that would draw interest theyā€™d want to let people know so they would watch. The only reason I watched last night at all was because I knew Obama was speaking.

Interesting choice of complaints there. Written by a culture warrior boomer? They didnā€™t think the joke worked if they put something in there like ā€œwould like to have healthcareā€?


Well, it was shared by a 30 year old, male, public school teacherā€¦

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The current inflation rate is 1%.


Government spending can increase the value of money.

Right, I think we can spend more. A lot more. But I was responding to the statement that itā€™s not unlimited. Also, inflation is a regressive tax. Taxing the rich at a higher rate is superior.

Inflation is good for people with debt.

As far as taxing the rich goes, yeah, 100% wealth tax for everything over $X.

(between $5M and $20M Iā€™d say, but then Iā€™m a capitalist)


Inflation isnā€™t good on people who live paycheck to paycheck and need to be able to afford eggs and milk as they go up in price. It disproportionately effects people at the lower end of the income spectrum even if in raw numbers it devalues rich peopleā€™s currency more. Itā€™s basically a flat tax.

You get no argument from me that we should have a very high effective income tax on the uber wealthy. Maybe not 100 percent, but Iā€™m cool with like 99. something.

I said wealth tax, not income tax.

Iā€™m fine with that too. Would still set it at 99.something.

Very good then. Whatā€™s your X?

Whatā€™s not to like about Infrastructure Week?

Giving Buttiberg those speaking slots is indefensible.

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