The DNC 2020

Not specifically to you. Just kind of thinking out loud.

Interested to know why you think the answer is no though.

Why do I say this is not true?

Because itā€™s impossible that it is true. I mean thereā€™s some fudge room in there with ā€œkind ofā€, so I guess someone could interpret is as ā€œkind ofā€ true, but lots of people in this country will either not vote or vote for a third party without thinking that Trump and Biden are the same.

If i am not voting for trump does that mean i am voting for Bidenā€¦or does this just work one wayā€¦


It works both ways, but it depends on who you think should be president.

If you prefer Trump, then yes, sitting out is a half vote for Biden.

Youā€™d think that Clovis, who posts so much about facts and logic would be content to say things that are literally true instead of things like not voting for Biden is the same as voting for Trump. Iā€™m pretty sure I even posted a mathematical proof that it isnā€™t.

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People are critical of chads because heā€™s openly declared that heā€™s going to sit out this election.

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ā€œNot voting for Biden is the same a voting for trump.ā€


ā€œNot voting for Biden is saying there is no real difference between trump and Biden.ā€

Are of course not the same thing but you know that.

I can look it up if need be. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve said not voting Biden is the same as voting Trump or something equivalent.

Neither of those statements are true though.

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Iā€™ll do it for you.


I stand by the swing state part. The other part is dumb.

The section on immigration will include a performance by Prince Royce. How shook are conservatives going to be that Democrats are giving time to (what I presume will be) a non-English musical performance?

How is this controversial, though? If you prefer Biden to Trump, and you donā€™t vote, then you are essentially partially voting for Trump by conceding him your vote.

If you donā€™t care who wins, then who cares if you donā€™t vote?

Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m in the top 10% of UP posters in terms of frequency criticizing Dems. Iā€™m also pretty sure Iā€™ve ripped Biden to shreds repeatedly in the past. Iā€™m also pretty sure I am on the record saying Obama was bad on this issue.

Thereā€™s a very strong ā€œDonā€™t vote for Biden he wonā€™t do any better,ā€ vibe.

This doesnā€™t feel like other times.

Because itā€™s wrong. You even tried to do a little math and said something about half a vote before and now youā€™re saying ā€œessentially partiallyā€. If you think saying 1/2 = 1 makes you look like you really hate Trump more than everyone else, I guess go for it.


It would be the most Gen-X thing ever for the presidency to skip right over us and go to straight to Millennials.


I had this exact same thought yesterday. Quintessential Gen X.

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You make some good points, Iā€™ve decided not to vote at all because obviously four more years of Trump would be equally bad to four years of Joe Biden. I live in Pennsylvania, but hey, whatever the fuck happens itā€™s equally bad either way, right?

Iā€™m sure Bidenā€™s DOJ will send secret police into Richmond to beat the shit out of Chadā€™s friends. Iā€™m sure Bidenā€™s ICE will rip just as many kids away from families. Iā€™m sure Bidenā€™s administration will be equally bad on climate change. Iā€™m sure Biden will ban as many Muslims as he can.

This way I donā€™t even have to worry about whether Trumpā€™s USPS crony can manage to keep my vote from being counted - something Iā€™m sure Bidenā€™s administration would also do.


Shrug, Iā€™m not telling you not to vote Biden. Voting really doesnā€™t make a difference though, as poker players we know this. It does help people feel as if they have control over something they absolutely do not.

People pushing for people who are not members of their party to vote for their candidate do not get to do so without expecting some pushback.

Cool, dude. If we lose, enjoy our dictatorship. See you in camp when they round us up.