The Crypto Thread

Yeah but I’ve had 100 different alts at various times and profited on 100% of them, and if he read my posts the one big theme here is that I don’t give a shit enough, and maybe should, when my rags flopped a boat. So fuck him.

You’re being very charitable, which isn’t bad, to a hit-and-run asshole but to the questions… Yes, yes, no (is this a dig? what part would even be lucky?), and yes/no because I already knew this.

easy come easy go

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Sorry man, didn’t mean to offend. Just you seem stressed about something that I presume happens to traders all the time. But if you’re fine and this is just the crypto BBV thread now and I misread it, ok, my bad.

Fine, it’s all good, yeah I’m stressed about some crypto related things but not about shitcoins rocketing after I sell them for a profit. Like, I’m actually surprising myself that it doesn’t bother me (I like to joke about DOGEcoin but I literally feel nothing, even typing it now, about selling at 10x and it going another 150x).

I just figured that because the analogy clearly doesn’t work, the only reason you’d do it like that was to be shitty and call me a fish (because fish lament their J3 boats).

Lol though maybe I am a fish, but a better analogy than even the one I made would be that… I defended with J3, flopped a boat, then misplayed it? Maybe?

I was really just trying to share some funny shit in story format that might amuse the reader, as opposed to just saying “had coin, sell 2x, coin go up 1000000x after, oh noez”.

Got to say I was quite a bit more envious of your job a few months ago. I basically just closed all my crypto tabs and only check the prices intermittently (although I did buy some more). Not having that choice must suck, good luck in making the best of it!

Then I did a really shitty job relaying how much it sucks, lol. Well, not actually, but it’s kinda like playing poker for a living basically. Even a few months ago it was stressful. I mean, in a sense it started with the election money getting tied up. Poker analogies can go to hell but I guess it was like taking big dent in your stack at the start of a tourney?


I for one hope you make bags on all your acquisitions. I think it’s easy to fall into schadenfreude with crypto because there’s an intersecting Venn of success and failure seems from the outside to be heavily luck based. It’s easy to feel dumb because you missed out and you feel smarter when things tank and a lot of people in “the crypto space” for want of a better phrase are assholes.



I’m probably still exaggerating though; it all would’ve been totally fine if I hadn’t opened up big positions right before the final nuke dip, thinking everything had already dipped.

You doing okay, six? Do you have a backup plan if crypto totally collapses?

Thanks for that, really. I just need to get over being on tilt. The good thing is I’m the same way with crypto as I am with poker; when I tilt I don’t go crazy, I do the opposite and tighten up and kinda play bad. So I’ve missed out on a bunch of opportunities this past month since the big crash.


gotta tip my cap, that’s masterclass

For real though, are you okay? I don’t get that meme.

Also… 100% of your alts picks were profitable? Did I read that wrong?

That was just a tip of the cap for what seemed like some masterful trolling, but if you’re serious, yeah I think I’m okay. I just like talking about this shit, good or bad times. It is partially a BBV thread.

If crypto collapses we’re all in trouble, in the sense that it’s tied to regular markets and assets, even thought the hardcore cryptobros want to deny this. The covid crash showed all this clearly.

If you recall, I used the bitcoin price as an indicator that Biden was going to win. I was like, if it’s up in the air then markets don’t like stability, but if trump wins bitcoin will go up a little, and if Biden wins bitcoin will start going up a lot. And then those few days after election night when I saw the bitcoin price, I said that a whole lot of people think Biden will prevail despite trump’s sound and fury.

And tied to that there’s the too-big-to-fail aspect with bitcoin, which a lot of people in crypto also don’t like.

But if you’re asking what’s my plan to go back to pre-pandemic days, I don’t know. This crypto shit is whatever, but I mentioned in passing upthread I’m an audio engineer who is slowly going deaf in one ear (high frequency hearing loss that’s noticeably increased in the past pandemic year). That’s the actual troubling shit to think about that even money won’t solve.

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No, that’s correct, and I’m honestly not seeing what’s remotely weird about that. Unless you’re still insisting on believing I’ve just randomly bought shit and held only after this thread started, despite all the posts showing otherwise.

Lol sorry if the tone of that paragraph sounds off, but I’ll just leave it unedited and say it’s not meant to be combative.

It’s very weird unless you just started trading during this bull rush. If anyone that was around years ago had a 100% success rate trading alts/ico they’d either be a god or have balls of steel.

I know we snipe at each other sometimes, but I was being serious. Glad to hear you’re okay.

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Well, I thought the context we were discussing was this halving cycle, that’s what the 100% was referring to. But yeah, in general,

it’s called the “Smart Money” for a reason.

Lol, but that’s only partially a joke. I mean, I blame myself because despite all my posts in this thread maybe I’m just a poor communicator, but when I say I don’t momentum trade, only buy dips, and sell too early, I really mean it (aside form the big- and supercycle momentum). It’s made me miss a lot of value but has also made me not pick hardly any losers, even historically.

That’s why when I say people should’ve copied me in February it’s a joke: according to my philosophy Feb was already “too late”.

tl;dr If I said all my alts were profitable and also I sold the absolute peak like a stone cold boss every time then you’d know I was full of shit, but I’m very much not saying that and haven’t for months. It’s my whole self-deprecating thing as long as this thread has existed!

Somewhere around the low 80% of all bitcoin/crypto traders have lost money trading bitcoin since the genesis of it. One of the most lucrative products in this world’s history, something you dream about to have the opportunity to make a fortune on in your lifetime happened to clip 4 out of 5 traders for a loss to this point. This meme/crypto extravaganza that coincidently is happening when folks have the money and means to take part in it is fully formed by the rich seeing an opportunity to accelerate the bereavement of peoples’ disposible income. I’m not saying that bitcoin isn’t a product worth investing in, I"m saying that trading is the product that sharks want folks participating in instead of investing.