The Crypto Thread

Throwing out the bold prediction that today will go down as one of the best days to buy bitcoin of the year.

Still bullish.


I backed the truck up at 31.5k but then, um, unloaded the truck at 33.1k. This was overnight and I feel like a genius for placing an order for what was the bottom and having it hit. Not so much a genius for selling the 5ish% as soon as I woke up, we’ll see.

I mean it literally was a panic sale so that should give an idea of my sentiments. Profitable trades can still be total panic even if you’re buying a local bottom and selling a micro top. I was like, let me sell this shit as fast as possible and place another buy order around 32k before I even go to the bathroom. I almost peed and poopooed myself clicking the buttons, for those who prefers detailed descriptions.

In fact, if you’re not totally clueless and uninformed (a little but not totally) you can use your personal sentiments to gauge the total market sentiments. Because for all my allusions to poker, it’s really more like that myth of how a player playing blackjack poorly at your table will fuck you up, that I mentioned once. Jimmy Buffett or somebody says that nonsense about “If there’s blood in the streets, if everybody is selling, that when you buy” and I get the broad strokes of it but I’m like, James, if you bought right then and it turned out to be a profitable trade then you weren’t really going against the grain and a whole lot of people were thinking the same way.

The only improvement I can think of is replacing all the bad sounds with good sounds so it’s all good sounds.


I agree with the idea of intellectual growth to the point that you can trust that your gut is similar to mass sentiment. It’s especially tricky keeping confident when the market doesn’t immediately react the way you predict (or there’s a shakeout, mini top, whatever, so you lose faith). I’ve made the mistake of falling back from my “obvious” gut plays when in reality I was just a tiny bit early / more researched than the average joe and there was much more time/room for exponential growth, etc.

The only part I disagree with is that “you” can do this, as in anyone. The fact you feel this way is indicative of all of the hours you’ve put in to this, whatever depth of analysis it may have specifically been. We’re describing experience.


That’s all true but to add, I was also getting at exploring why one feels bearish or bullish, the gut instinct, from the ground up, and how much that compares to the average. For example, if I feel panicked (that’s probably not the best term… maybe “extremely short-term bearish” and not “oh noez my money”) does that mean the average joe is super panicked because I rarely panic, or does it mean because I rarely panic then all the average joe panic is exhausted, and we’re at the bottom? More like saying that the Buffett platitudes as stated don’t work simply from a logistical standpoint and this is all like a prisoner’s dilemma more than anything. If enough people believe the incorrect thing then they become correct.

Another example would be that despite me telling everybody to buy bitcoin last year, and saying that the price is going to shoot up after the election no matter who wins, and even more if Biden wins, I was dead wrong about how quickly it would move. And that it would rip so fast altcoins would suffer (I got in too early in a few positions). I would’ve bet the farm that bitcoin hit 30k in 2021 but also that it would not in 2020 (I would’ve barely lost this but still) so where does this nuance leave me in terms of price analysis? The sentiment right before it broke 20k and ripped to 30k was super short-term bearish. To add another wrinkle, this same thing happened in 2016-17, when the bulliest of bulls had their bulliest outlook not even at 10k. Should I have folded that in and assumed that while my gut was correct about the midterm, it totally wrong about the velocity and scope of the pump? And does it mean we are also incorrect right now about the velocity and scope of the dump?

Btw these are all rhetorical questions lol this is my diary.

Based on my expert graph reading skills

If you filter the BTC chart for all time

It should probably be like 15k

Not financial advice

one country down… world reserve currency drawing live?

More like coup in El Salvador drawing live


Pop quiz hotshots: These graphs are 4hour candles, what are the x and y axes?


All of the maxi accounts taking this as a bottom, if anyone is paying attention. Also hilarious seeing the “other” bitcoins pop off of the news, too.

X is time
Y is workplace productivity


You mean the bitcoin maximalists? Weird that I literally just went to Tone Vays’ youtube to see what that deplorable lunatic was up to and he’s predicting mid-high 20s.

you are incorrect

Alllll of the maxis, including the eth ones are spamming buy this morning. Unless they’re lying on twitter.

Links? I avoid those crazies generally, they’re usually the “bitcoin will replace food and water” dudes.

The people I look at are all saying the bottom is sub-20k. I need to follow more good news people.

You’re right that most of the positive people are just trying to shill something or start a cult.

My idea of the sentiment is literally based on the past 24 hours (and is a short term “gut feeling” that can end very quickly) so a lot of the content/youtube stuff will be out of date.

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specifically included the cult word for him =/

If he was being 100% honest he should have gone broke last dip so something’s fishy with him either way.

Was just about to post this. The Tone Vays video was 17 hours old, so yesterday afternoonish.