The Crypto Thread

Also I’m trading the bottom which could easily turn into selling off at the bottom, as a sacrifice to the crypto gods. Thank me later.

(this isn’t me retracting my apology btw lol)

He said he was some holdings and has followed the news/tech for over a decade, so I’m still super confused about the whole thing. He’s chastised other people for saying exactly what he said to me last night but I don’t know, these are trying times, it’s all good.

My point was always just to chill and zoom out and get some perspective - if you’re well in the green right now then you’ve already won. Beating yourself up for not winning more doesn’t help you win tomorrow. Surviving is much more important than maximizing, it’s super difficult to recoup losses, etc. Be thankful you’ve got a bunch of powder lying around for the next massacre.

A lot of people bought at the top and may not get out of it for a long time. There’s always people doing better but if you’ve made 6 figures off this stuff there’s many, many people worse off than you.


You’re in cubes at least, though, right?

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Yeah, that’s why people who see btc at 64k and feel they missed out would offer their left nut to buy at 30k,29k28k…but either lose faith or run out of money when it drops to the equivalent low from dec 2017 which would now be around 11k.

Yeah maybe I explained it super poorly; I was never trying to frame it like a woe-is-me in absolute terms, but like, I’ve been telling people since last year about the halving cycle and people were understandably skittish or didn’t have spare money to throw at the market. I wanted to make some money for them; I’m a single man with no debt and no dependents who lives like he took a vow of poverty, I’m fine. My sister is kinda fine though she has a ton of school debt and her house is underwater, but my buddy just had a child and then a messy divorce.

Hell, I’m kicking myself for not making a thread last year or at least in january and telling everybody here to buy, buy, buy. If people had even copied my portfolio that I posted when this thread started in february and held (some of those I traded off even as early as the next day after posting) they’d be up 5x right now in the middle of the bloodbath.

I just figured this perspective would afford me the leniency to tell bad beat stories but I guess people’s feelings about that never change.

Missing the big dip because I placed some big microtrades at the top was almost a 6figure swing.


If this is the end of the halving cycle I might start to believe those crazies talking about Illuminati-style manipulation.

Basically, a graph never looks like this unless there’s like an actual cataclysm to cause the dip:

Altcoin markets look like that because the cataclysm is bitcoin doing something crazy up or down.

That is not this below even though I understand why it might look so at first glance:

Everything looks like a parabola or not-a-parabola depending on how you zoom because there isn’t actually a cheat sheet.

lol how do i unedit an edit?

I’m not selling any bitcoin until 2030 at the earliest and have plans to make regular buys in the interim. When you take a long term view like this, all the swings just become entertainment.


Thanks to the creation of robinhood, it exceeded 90% as of 2021 for the percentage of losing traders. BtC traders are around low 80%.

The most lucrative investment in our generation and possibly the history of this country still rekts 4/5 of its participants. This shit really is simple.

This is the only thing anyone needs to do.

Ok so obviously you all shouldn’t feel any obligation to answer this, but how much bitcoin do you own, as a percentage of your overall investment portfolio and as a dollar value?

I find this fascinating.

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Or not, it might get too political.

Anyhow, sorry again for sharing that I’m actually a real live boy with real live hopes and dreams and feelings; back to being a robotic automaton talking about market psychology (human psychology, not robot automaton psychology) and technical analysis.

This is what I was referring to,




though that’s not the crazy part. At least, not in that sense. It is crazy as fuck, and this video was made 3 weeks ago.

It’s more the overall tone and vibe, even though I’d say I actually quite like this guy and his video:

The Wyckoff analysis was developed for early 19th century STONKS, not for now when anybody can panic sell and/or fomo from their smartphone.

Cryptokirby showed this a few weeks ago too. I’ve been educated to treat TA as a joke and that point of view is deeply engrained in the way I think about stonks/crypto. Starting to think I may need re-evaluate.

When I wrote “This is the only thing anyone needs to do.” I was referring to the crypto space only, not all types of investments.

Without going into too much detail, BTC is far less than 10% of my total portfolio, but I made the decision a few months ago, after regretting missing out on multiple buying opportunities, to DCA to build up my position over time, and I haven’t wavered since.

I’m in it for the long term.

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No I know, that’s what I was asking, because I’m interested in the analysis from people who hold different investments of wildly different volatilities, of all different asset classes. Like, when you see bitcoin shoot up and down do you think of DCAing out and back in, if not why not, etc, etc?

Lol don’t worry it’s not an interrogation, I’m just conversing.

That’s funny because I was about to follow-up with how Kirby mentioned it, but not in the context of a conspiracy.

Basically, that guy’s video and youtube channel blew up because after the crash one of the big youtubers mentioned it, and everybody was blown away, all jumping on the narrative about how there was manipulation and this guy discovered their hidden secret… of which there are apparently hundreds of videos about on youtube:

If I’m trading in an alt/btc market then every time I make a profitable trade and keep it in bitcoin I’m “buying bitcoin” in a sense, but here’s where I bought and sold bitcoin on that chart:


And one of those buys at 46kish was an accident from leaving an order open before I went to sleep. So yeah, maybe THEY manipulated the shit out of me with that last dip buy lol. Or maybe I was actually the one causing the movements (my little contribution I mean lol) the whole time.

With the slight edits I made above, this describes me too.

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No worries. No, I don’t have any charts or info upon which to base trading in and out. My thesis is simple, but based on many hours of research (still ongoing):

Long term, likely beyond my lifetime, BTC will continue to go up.*

So just buy (DCA plus seeking dip-buying opportunities), HODL, and ignore the volatility along the way.

(*I fully recognize that I could be wrong).

I think one’s approach to crypto trading/investing comes down to time horizons and whether you believe it has any substance or it’s just a big bag of inflated nothing to get in on and hopefully profit from while it lasts.

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