The Crypto Thread

taxes are way easier too, taxes were a huge pain in the ass with coinbase or any of the exchanges the last time i dealt with them was probably 3-4 years ago they give you these excel forms that you are supposed to be able to upload to turbotax but it never works and you end up having to enter a ton of shit manually. i understand people wanting to control their own keys but the ETFs seem like a no brainer to me.

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Exactly. Pita taxes were why i shifted to the etf.

I just hodl my bitcorn because I don’t want to deal with paying tax on the 2k basis or whatever. Perhaps when it hits 10m I’ll deal with it.


I wonder if I can set the cost basis for my lost MtGox coins to the current value once I get them. Doubt the ATO is able to determine what I bought them for 12+ years ago.

The World is finally waking up imo.

WTF going on with BTC

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Bitcoin ETFs are sucking up all of the liquid corn, maybe a little retail fomo in there too but I’m guessing it’s mostly the ETFs.

Close to the next halving and more than enough people think that is a trigger for another big jump in ATH to at least get it to that ATH.





Damn it. I was really hoping it wouldn’t go up like that while I was still doing my own research! I’m not even halfway done. Maybe I need to start watching Youtubes at 1.5 speed or something


ERCOT is a Texas energy company? Paying them not to mine so that customers can have AC?

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Sort of. It’s stands for Electric Reliability Council of Texas and it manages/oversees the grid and wholesale electrical market for about 90% of Texas.

The US is broken down into three major grids: The Eastern, The Western, and Texas (it gets its own b/c it’s a special snowflake that doesn’t want to play with the others). One of the reasons Texas has had so much unreliability during peak heat and cold is (a) being on it’s own grid means it’s hard to balance load/ get power from another grid at peak times and (b) some of the regulations designed to make sure generation and distribution could keep running during extreme weather apply in other parts of the country, but don’t apply in Texas.


The eastern grid includes Ontario and Quebec. Possibly the martimes too.


Can’t someone make a google-style search engine that hard wipes your search history so you can search for things like “how to dispose of a body with piranha solution” without the FBI seeing it?