The Crypto Thread

Wait I’m confused

Is crypto actually awesome and you’re all getting rich (again) once it rebounds or did you all sell out at the top knowing it was all scams, in which case you should join me in laughing at bag holders

Still super mad and defensive for a crew that got rich timing the market perfectly

Okay settle down lads.

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they triggered my man. keep up the good work. facts don’t care about their feelings.



No one’s mad. People just think that celebrating the demise of crypto when the stock market and entire economy is tanking is just sad and pathetic.

The appeal of this bullshit has always been: get rich quick. And maybe you did. But spare us the “do the research, you don’t get it” bullshit as it all comes crashing down.

who is us?


This turd has staying power on the topic. A real floater, you could say.

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this you?


The American Union of Gated Community Residents

i decided to catch up on this thread from bottom to top

always a bold yet entertaining choice

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Both of these things are true:

  1. Almost everyone on the Discord cashed out considerably before this crash, accelerating a lot of retirement timelines and appreciably changing quality of life for many.
  2. This crash has nevertheless added at least a couple years back to those (still accelerated) retirement timelines.

Given the above, it’s pretty lol both to call people idiots and to celebrate their recent losses. It’s incredibly weird to be posting on a left-leaning forum while full-throatedly celebrating that your peers will spend another few years in the US labor exploitation hellscape.

I’m sorry for the stock holders who lost money. I’m sorry for the crypto holders who lost money. I’m sorry for the next group of people who will lose their jobs and/or housing. A recession sucks for everyone, and it’s made worse by cannibalizing each other.


right, we agree, also on the ridiculous part

ah, we’re at the “explaining empathy to a sociopath” part of the program


Are you though? I mean, that’s whose money you cashed out…


For sure, but I would genuinely give credence to the very legit chance that BTC trades under 1,500 which changes some things since not every crypto trader is going to be lucky enough to be in an induced coma to avoid buying back in between 20k and 1.5k.

Care to wager on the price of bitcoin in 12 months. I’ll take the over todays price you take the under?

You seem convinced this is the end. Should be easy bet.


at least i think we are and any confusion is probably on my end with my initial post

Russian rubles are the real shit coin


Perhaps the real shit coins were the enemies we made along the way.