The Crypto Thread

tbf this was obvious from a mile away and I see hilariously bad security practices all the time but the stuff coming out right now is legitimately blowing my mind

To be fair I havenā€™t seen anyone post here that uses it I donā€™t think.

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I did, lol. for some bullshit quick thing I had to do.

Iā€™ve not posted about it publicly, mostly in private chats, but iā€™m uhhhhh a bit bearish on all of this to say the least and Iā€™m trying not to get a kick out of this because I think a lot of people are really going to be hurting soon

Even then, Iā€™m assuming ~everyone here entered and exited such that it doesnā€™t really matter what the price goes to now.

perfect case study is my old roommate a while back showing me how heā€™d run up $100 into like $10k from riding the early dogecoin waveā€¦ I was like sweet what are you gonna do with it? (keep in mind heā€™s been paycheck to paycheck his entire life and outside of tax refund season doubt heā€™d ever seen more than $2k in his account at once)

he looked at me quite puzzled, as if I was the biggest fool in all the land, and said he was gonna ride it to the moon. thereā€™s so many people out here like this

Iā€™m sure there are people here who believe cryptocurrency will retain value long term at some level. I do. The question is what level. Is that BTC $10 or BTC $100K? I have no clue.

People here seem awfully mad for a bunch of guys who sold out at the top.

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It doesnā€™t really matter. If anyone suffered net losses Iā€™m sure it was money they could afford to lose.,

You donā€™t get from $100 to $10k in doge without believing in the first place.

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I do worry what the broader effects of crypto tanking do to the economy. That many people losing their retirement funds surely isnā€™t going to be optimal.

But theyā€™re posting funny memes about it going downā€¦

I want to know what happens when anti-government types lose faith in crypto as a way to bring down government.

Donā€™t think all that many cryptobros give a rip about taking down the US or even libertarianism, really.

The libertarian bros will tell us government ruined crypto because thatā€™s their response every time a libertarian thought experiment doesnā€™t pan out in real life.

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Iā€™d be running out of there, knocking people down like George escaping that childrenā€™s birthday party

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Yes, one purchased at Montgomery Ward

You seem like a miserable person.


Seems like a strong reaction to a tweet about energy use and a NYT article!