The Crypto Thread

“I trust everyone enjoyed our commercial during the NBA Finals mocking crypto skeptics. You’re fired.”

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I don’t want any of you to lose money, but I’m sad about the Celtics so if there’s a funny story out there about an ape getting stolen, please share. Thanks in advance.

They wish apes were still worthy of stealing

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deciding how greedy i wanna be on when to dive in… btc gonna go down to $1k or what?

On the plus side GPU prices are finally dropping.


So when do we get to see our fancy new offices?

When you get your fancy new jobs. You’re all fired.

There is still about 150 billion currently invested in coins below doge thats keeping bitcoin and nfts elevated.

A lot of people committed suicide in 2008 over stuff like this. Now you got 100x as many participatants this time.

I’m sorry but the billboards all over Austin promoting crypto as a concept were a massive giveaway that we were at or near the top… kind of like when my meathead personal trainer was telling me that it was the next big thing in early 2017.

sounds like you could have made a lot of money off those workout sessions

Nah. That dude put it all in near the highs at that time and then sold when it crashed. The fact that it rebounded doesn’t make him some kind of genius lol.

C. I just like to post and laugh at ITYSL gifs

Pretty sure that’s 90% of the discord now.

Don’t stop believin’!


The Winklevoss brothers present: Diamondhands - a tribute to Journey


This cannot be real.

That house looks like a 1980s office building

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I’m paywalled out of the article but from the preview it looks like a vcr to me.

Upon beginning to pay a bit of attention to this thread somewhat regularly, it appears the people complaining about incessant trolling are correct in their complaints. Unless they’re lying about Riverman’a entry point to calling BTC worthless. Anyone have receipts on either side?

Like @Riverman you can’t call something a worthless joke at $12 or $100 or whatever then claim you’re the one who was right when it drops from $60K to $20K. Unless/until this gets alllll the way to $0 or below where you said it was worthless/a joke/whatever, you’re the one who was wrong.

The scams in the space are different, but nobody here seems to have been falling for them or shilling for them, so it’s not like they deserve to be dunked on for that.

So I guess my question is WTF is going on in here?

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Use if you want to see it. And yes, VCR is accurate