The Crypto Thread

Luna 2 was a cashout.

Make free coins, sell whatever you can.


Sounds like a buying opportunity imo.

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Thatā€™s fair. ā€œStupidityā€ is just a mean way of saying ā€œvulnerability to manipulationā€. The elderly can become more vulnerable to manipulation via cognitive decline rather than an inherent lack of intelligence. The greed thing I think is more fundamental to financial scams. The fake ransom thing Iā€™m not sure I would even call a scam, itā€™s more akin to a violent crime, like a stick-up robbery with an unloaded gun.

Damn, shorting Luna 2.0 would have been free money, assuming it was even possible.

How long do you guys think until Tether crashes?

Somewhere between tomorrow and a thousand years.

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Hard to disagree!

Knowing virtually nothing, Iā€™d set the o/u at 5 years from now. Was curious if anyone has a more educated guess about where the median is.

A Ponzi scheme that returns only 5 percent is actually a phenomenal Ponzi. See Madoff, Bernie.

I donā€™t think anybody can say. If Tether crashes it wonā€™t be the same way that Terra went down because they use completely different methods to maintain peg. People have been saying Tether is shady and unstable since day one, but that was seven years ago and itā€™s still doing fine. Soā€¦ :man_shrugging:


Tether isnā€™t the same as Luna. It isnā€™t an algorithmic coin. Although Tether has issues with transparency towards their reserves.

Tether will probably crash if the entire crypto market cap goes from 1T down to a few hundred million.


The fact that Do Kwon can just 2 weeks later print another ponzi coin is hilarious. Decentralized does have a side effect of all the the grifters get to do whatever they want and not go to prison for it.

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Thx both. My juxtaposition of Luna and Tether wasnā€™t meant to imply a similarity; Iā€™m just entertaining the idea of shorting Tether because of its dubious reserves and the potential downward pressure from a bad overall economy. Being a stablecoin, if I shorted at the current price I at least wouldnā€™t face the risk of upward price movement. However, there is a borrow fee, which would add up if I were too early. Iā€™ll pass for now and stick to shorting stonks.

Tether has already weathered some pretty rough seas. I donā€™t see any unique stressors for it in the current climate. Thatā€™s not to say it canā€™t collapse tomorrow, but there arenā€™t any new reasons to think thatā€™s likely.


How would you go about shorting tether?

When I googled it recently, a 4-year-old reddit thread came up saying you can short it on Kraken by setting margin to 2x before clicking sell.


Seven years up and running doesnā€™t build any confidence for me personally. A massive liquidation even under the disclosed pretense of how its reserves are publically listed could cause it to crash if bitcoin or ether experience a giant exodus or either actually endure debilitating regulation as opposed to simply the fear of it that was enough to severally hurt it in 2017. I mean, youā€™re best case scenario puts you up to Full Tilt status with the worst case being just plan sad.

So youā€™re saying this crypto stuff is kinda risky?

Iā€™m specifically a bitcoin fan in theory just not in price. Iā€™d love to see a total destruction of inevitable regulation that destroys btc and wipes out nearly all other crypto because Iā€™d be that hermit buying it again when others talk about how theyā€™ll never get fool again! But yes, Iā€™m against tether, specifically.

So is this the kind of practical applications weā€™re going to see from NFTs? Hotel reservations as NFTs, so if you want to cancel you need to sell the reservation NFT to another party. I canā€™t wait for these exciting developments!


Goofys bot gonna be sniping mispriced stays at 5star resorts soon