The Crypto Thread

Who isn’t greedy and dumb?

I think a very overrepresented group, if not the majority of non-nft/crypto scam victims are very old people who are frightened, not greedy. I heard something recently, I forget where, maybe it was from my m-in-law about her church where she is on the young side at 81, that people were hit by “we have kidnapped your grandchild, send us money” scams.

Eta: I remember. It was from her financial advisor/banker. I went to help her when her late husband’s estate stuff was being handled.

If you luckbox to 10M on Tesla moon calls its one thing.

Slowly building to 10M by building your business is another. Hard to let go of that and then you lose your identity.

I’m trying to imagine a person who does that and isn’t a terrible, broken human being. I am failing.

I know an electrical contractor that has like 40 electricians working for him. He’s a good dude and will come out on a call out himself if our plant is down at two in the morning on a Saturday night. I don’t know what his net worth is but I can’t imagine he makes less than 500k a year. But he has what he has because he’s hardworking, reliable, ambitious, and an expert at what he does. I don’t know if he’s worth ten million or not but he’s he’s like 50 or so, been doing what he does for 25 years, and built his business from a shop of like 6 residential electricians when he bought it to 40 electricians who do mostly commercial/industrial projects.

Does he derive his identity from it, to the point that he can’t let it go?

A friend of mine was employee 10 of a silicon valley tech company and helped build it to its ~$40B today. I slept on his couch when visiting him a few years ago in san fran. Definitely not a terrible person. Just a nice dude.

He cashed out after it went public with tens of millions, and went and found employment and still works today.

That is a lot different than luckboxing some crypto moon shots and then cashing out.

I’ve heard of these situations, not this extreme, and I think about younger people trying to make a career out there, maybe buy a home or advance their economic position somewhat. There are only so many promotions available. Somebody at that company is busting their ass on a lower rung for longer than they need to because some jerk is squatting in a job position he doesn’t need at all. The guy needs a hobby, not a job.


There’s a lot of people who would think they had the entire world if they had 1M+. They would call you greedy and money hungry for not selling after you hit $5M+. The truth is almost everybody wants more money no matter how much they currently have.


Ok, but your post I was replying to was about somebody defining their identity from their very successful business, which is a bit more extreme. Those people do exist, and imo they are pretty much all terrible and broken people. They have failed marriages and estranged children. They don’t know how to enjoy the success life gave them.

Lots of people work after they no longer need to, but they don’t get their identity from it.

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I know a guy who had a plumbing business. I think his dad started it, but he ran it for a while and I think grew it a bunch to a lot of vans running all around (I think) Atlanta. He sold it, certainly for millions, and started racing radio controlled gliders that he built. This is not him, but this is the thing and I think it’s where he flies them.

Should watch the video if you haven’t seen this, it’s pretty nuts.


I don’t know, but that’s who we’re talking about? Guys who build a small business up and make big money doing it? I could see him retiring eventually, but he’s only about 50. Being a master electrician is a huge part of his identity though, he runs a local apprenticeship program. I could see him selling his business but I could never see him stepping away from what he does with the apprentices.


Yeah. There isn’t anything that a mill can give you that’s a greater feeling than turning that mil into 10. Goes for every single degenerate gambler who ever won a chunk of money.


Think I’ll wait for Luna 3.5 that one is bound to be a winner.



Oh good. Perfect time for me to launch Luna 3.0


Luna 4.269 coming soon, sure to be a hit


Almost the same amount of folks as before the first Luna crash. If luna 2.0 went to the moon, the same idiots would be hopping back in. It will all remain a circus until the followers end up too broke to make a difference.