The Crypto Thread

Jail Kwon




Iā€™ll apprehend him for 20% of the money. Not joking.



itā€™s rare that iā€™m actually speechless


Where does one even begin with not just that article but the meta of Beetlejuice sharing it?

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Guess whatā€™s going to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?

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In theory, algorithmic stablecoins require no central actor like USDC does. Now in practice, I donā€™t think they will ever work, but I think thatā€™s the appeal.

Itā€™s the same appeal for DeFi as opposed to CeFi (I also think that true DeFi will never work and every true DeFi platform will ultimately be exploited).


Itā€™s possible at some point that one of the notoriously unstable coins will settle into something more stable on its own without the algorithmic nonsense. Like does a fully mature BTC thatā€™s been 99% mined still have exponential swongs, or does it settle into a narrower range like gold?


Damn, combine that strategy with this real estate strategy and this could be big


Way ahead of you

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Lololol thereā€™s one of these a day

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One thing that has gotten lost in the bickering is that I donā€™t think anyone really disagrees that there is rampant scames and a bunch of fucked up things happening with stuff like monkeypox coin and the crypto/nft influencers and all that.

That being said I donā€™t really have any sympathy for anyone who loses their ass doing the dumbest things in this space.

Has anyone come with an idea like a RugPullCoin in which they promise explicitly to rugpull, make it a huge joke that becomes a meme, watch people pump up the value for the lulz, then pull the rug as promised?


I donā€™t know about the dumbest stuff, but I do have sympathy for regular schlubs who gets fleeced because they bought into the hype and bet the farm on Matt Damonā€™s cryptocoins or whatever. People shouldnā€™t get financially ruined just because theyā€™re too credulous and there are a lot of very sophisticated scams out there.

Do you think anyone buys crypto thinking it is a safe or risk-free investment though? Like how could you buy monkeypox coin and think there wasnā€™t substantial risk?

I have some sympathy for people falling for the stablecoin scames like UST but a bare bit of googling would tell you that wasnā€™t some risk free investment.

There have been several NFT launches around this theme. I think the discord made a decent chunk off one called NotARug which shockingly did end up being a rug basically.