The Crypto Thread

+1 NFT for posting in new thread






Was this real?

doubt it but iā€™ve spent zero time investigating it

Looks to be real

Clicked through to the twitter:

Lol at thinking it is real. Itā€™s a parody. Really weird how the same people totally disinterested keep stumbling on to this stuff with 44 twitter followers!

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I genuinely donā€™t get why the SEC isnā€™t doing more about this. How do you have a YC-backed startup just running an unregistered hedge fund out in the open? Itā€™s not even the scamming partā€“even if you did what theyā€™re describing honestly, itā€™s illegal! Arenā€™t there any ambitious prosecutors out there who want to make a bunch of slam-dunk cases to advance their careers?


Whatever happens, though, the jagged history of crypto shows that foolish risk creates its own aesthetics. The crypto-bro investor does not evoke vicarious excitement, like a stuntman jumping motorcycles or a daredevil mountaineer, because his antics at the keyboard donā€™t appear to take much skill. Heā€™s more like a bettor at the track who picks the winning horse at random, or a country-club jerk who hits a lucky hole in one. Watching him may elicit wonder at his cosmic luckā€”a mathematical sublimity. But no one would describe his victory as a beautiful achievement.

Thatā€™s why we end up feeling nauseated at the crypto broā€™s success: Itā€™s so unearned, it makes us sick. But our schadenfreude is a product of the same illusion. Weā€™re not reveling in our prudence, so much as weā€™re indulging in an even lamer form of grandiosity. ā€œIt could have been meā€ was a lie from the start: Sure, we might have profited 10,000-foldā€”and then lost everything a few years laterā€”but probably not. If my folks and I had purchased Netscape at its IPO, we wouldnā€™t now be plutocrats. Weā€™d have put a few thousand dollars in, at most, and then sold off our stocks when their value had tripled or quadrupled. Weā€™d have made a little money and been glad. As for crypto, I bought a thousand bucksā€™ worth a while back and am down by half. Whatever. The fantasy of failing to achieve a massive gain, and then also of averting bankruptcy, flatters us twice over. The truth is more banal: It could never have been me.


fwiw, Coca-Cola isnā€™t in the bottling business. Better analogy would have had something to do with marketing.

They donā€™t have anyone on their staff that understands crypto.

SEC guy said so himself that they need more money to hire crypto experts.

Typical patriarchy

The DAO makes use of blockchain to link up different female communities and to build a unified community with shared-interests, thereby creating a wonderful world that is fairer, more equal for women and more sustainable.

Amazing what blockchain can do :dizzy:

The number of Youtube LIVE scames recommended to me by fake accounts offering free bitcoin double ups (send 1x BTC to this and receive 2x in return!) is rather impressive.

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Do Kwon, the creator of the stablecoin TerraUSD (UST) and its sister token Luna, is facing legal prosecutions in South Korea over the collapse of the two coins that have wiped billions of dollars off investors around the world earlier this month.

The Seoul Southern District Prosecutorsā€™ Office said Friday that it has kicked off an investigation on Terraform Labs, the organization behind the stablecoin project Terra led by Do Kwon, and assigned the case to its Financial and Securities Crime Joint Investigation Team, a special financial crimes unit brought back recently by the newly appointed justice minister Dong-hoon Han, according to local media.

The announcement came a day after five Korea-based crypto investors with combined damages of 1.4 billion won (about $1.1 million) filed criminal complaints against Kwon and his Terraform co-founder Daniel Shin over charges of fraud and other violations of financial regulations.

South Koreaā€™s financial authorities estimated that about 280,000 users owned a combined amount of 70 billion Luna in Korea.