The Crypto Thread

Yeah and it would have ended there if you didn’t feel personally offended and feel the need to jump in. Maybe follow your own advice.

I responded to an attack directed at me by name. I didn’t mention you at all, and yet you still felt the need to attack me in the Ukraine thread, and then lecture me about responding to something in the wrong thread.

Are you really this dense, or just trolling?

Unlike you I listened to other’s complaints and moved the posts to the crypto thread, where anyone can still see them who wants to.

Which I’m going to do again and stop responding to your trolling.


I wish I understood the memes you guys posted. Seems fun.

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i think its the Avengers? never seen it before

Can’t believe I only got 220k for my tulip I sold 2 days ago. Devs please do something.







Anyhow here’s the analogy and it’s max dumb neither side has said it:

“Don’t you know this is all a bubble? The poker boom won’t last forever and people will lose interest in playing poker and then what huh smart guy?”

“Yeah probably but for now I’m good at poker and will keep playing and profiting until the games dry up.”


said which part?

It takes years for that stuff to bleed - which it has. Bitcoin, amc, gme has all moved down in sync with each other in the last 6 months because it’s all the same dumb money leaving the market. That money isn’t ever coming back.

The sky is falling.

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You’re bragging about losing 121 grand on a cartoon jpeg? Weird flex, but ok.

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If you weren’t blockchain illiterate you could have found out that I did indeed not lose money on the jpeg.

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What an idiot I am filtering by sales.

Sucks that I’m blockchain illiterate, but at least I’m not a pompous douchebag flexing the dumbest thing imaginable.

C’mon man, I’m skeptical of ape jpgs, but this is just mean-spirited trolling.

Lol you’re delusional.

I vote awesome troll-fail.