Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

i’ll believe it when i see a lot more than rumors.

meanwhile, the ever shrinking denazification is going excellent, fuhrer

Nobody owns an ape.


(Moved to the crypto thread)

Omg keep your crypto bullshit in that thread for fucks sake


Isn’t there a thread for that stuff? I am kinda using this one for Ukraine news and stuff…


6 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Crypto Thread



Yup, there are anti-sub torpedos that can be dropped from planes.

You need specialized aircraft to find submarines which I don’t think Ukraine has. It’s still hard to find them with the aircraft, the subs would be able to get off many salvos first, as they have been.

You must answer for the crime of Alexander Ovechkins overall rating

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Ukraine just won the ESC. What’s Putin’s next move now?

Maybe he’ll want Finland to win next year.

what happened to trmp taking credit for sending lethal weapons to ukraine? didn’t he love sending millions and millions of javelins instead of blankets?

lol at viktor giving a shit about russian soldiers who are sent to die. ir american babies

This map shows pretty clearly what we can expect to see happen in the next couple weeks:

The Ukrainian forces in the north, the blue regions around Kherson, figure to be aiming for the Russian supply lines in red and black. Cutting them off would all but end the little invasion tentacles south from Izium. That big green circle is where that Russian battalion got blow’d up crossing the river. The river isn’t well indicated on the map, but it’s pretty close to the dashed red line between Rubizhne and Izyum, at least up to the invasion tentacles.

Meanwhile, it looks like the invasion tentacles are part of a Russian aim to encircle the forces responsible for taking out that battalion, which would be pretty threatening to the Ukrainians if their supply lines were secure. I’m not convinced those lines are secure, though. If Russia can’t hold Kharkiv, I’m not sure what they’re going to be able to come up with to stop the Ukrainian advance. I think it is the supply line region that is showing up the brightest red on the cell phone map from earlier, but I wonder if it’s so red because they’re from logistics types who haven’t yet had to give too many fucks about giving away their positions given how far from the front lines they had been. But if that’s a decent approximation of not non-combat troops but of combat capability, then it’s either super weird that they didn’t send more of that forward to hold Kharkiv, or else that is what was in Kharkiv, and they’re now in retreat. That would suggest Russia is super duper fucked right now, and that seems like too optimistic to be worth believing.

But regardless of what the cell phone data mean, the troops that just took Kharkiv don’t have very far to go to be able to do some serious damage to Russian supply lines in a fashion that would cripple the only part of the Russian operation that seems to be making any progress at all.


the soldiers are crossing international borders to conduct military objectives without a declaration of war. i don’t feel bad for those who are not refusing

reportedly half of those who are being sent back to ukraine are refusing. i’d like to think i would refuse

Victoar, like what?
40Billion? I guess if we don’t send that 40B to Ukraine it’ll automatically go to baby feed and other good stuff for regular people.
Let’s check some other US govt budgets.

Yed he is.

I’d like to think that about myself, but who knows what any of us will do when shit hits the fan. These Russians are dumb, propagandized kids who don’t follow or care about political stuff, like any other nation’s army. And who knows what penalties their families might face if they refuse to serve.