The Crypto Thread

Seems like physical gold hasn’t been working well either. Starting to think there’s no such thing as an inflation hedge.

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Minus the free part

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Yeah it was for a while, but lately it hasn’t been.

I bonds baby!


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This is what the bet is. In a world where nowhere including usd or any other currency is a safe place to park your money, bitcoin may end up being among the least-bad out of the options.

I imagine Riverman fist pumping after that post and closing his laptop to yell at his kids.


I’ve already offered the bet months back (which you would have had 0% chance of winning on stonks) but I’ll bet 10k escrowed i can make more money on crypto/nft from here than anyone can from stonks from today for a year. Maybe 20-30k starting rolls. There is still going to be an amazing amount of money to be made from the crypto dumpster fire pretty much forever because it’s full of the dumbest people. That’s what suzz and riverman don’t get. It’s actually extremely profitable because it self-excludes a lot of “smart people”


Seems like Coke/Walmart/McDonalds are pretty good inflation hedges.

Maybe bricks and mortar in a real estate supply restricted environment, but when interest rates go up, real estate values don’t.

There’s no index but if you want a list of popular ones aggregated together showing performance there is a website called ‘’

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coke’s business is in decline, I’d stay away but I’ve been a huge bear of that for a long time (of course the stock only goes up)

anyway, I did try to get some not to buy bitcoin at 50k+, hopefully my warning was heeded.

For all those dancing on the graves, well there’s one thing, all of mine was acquired a long time before this price. I sold some a little bit ago (sigh at not selling it all back then but not fully trusting myself has always been my biggest life leak) but I’ll end up making more on this than I did anything else. Yeah should’ve been a lot more, oh well, you learn and improve and move on.

There’s a lot of stupid people in both crypto and markets, we’ll keep finding stuff to make a buck on somewhere.



a real inflation hedge is like corn or wheat or some commodity such as those, basically what actually rises with inflation that people have to buy is your hedge. They all have etf’s at least you can buy. (disclaimer, I own both of those in etf’s, been doing just fine lately)

stocks/gold/crypto all require spare money, which in inflationary times doesn’t exist as much (though gold should still be ok in it, but it’s not a real hedge)

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stocks are just like this too though, crypto volume was down and the market didn’t notice until coinbase’s report then it went down 20+% (and all the covid way over pumped stuff, people just didn’t think for a second then when it got over we wouldn’t be home all the time–nothing is ever baked in)

It’s incredible really, and it’s cost me sheckles. Nothing is priced in, it’s the dumbest market imaginable


LUNA is being printed faster than the price can drop and market cap is rising.


They all did because I told them it was going to crash. I was saying it was going to crash in this thread, before all the NFTs, before the multiple runups to bitcorn at 70k. And everybody profited on their ethereum they made, at least partly due to my warnings, when ethereum was priced much higher than this. That might fall under the umbrella of ‘day trading’ or ‘swing trading’ but yeah.


6ix saved the discord 7 figures at least imo. Also has always been there for honest advice on everything throughout. True legend.


The debate seems to be whether crypto or maybe just bitcorn and ethereum is something you can invest in at any price and never have days of worry, that it will keep going up and up (not historically but with huge volatility, rather, just steady up and up), and in that case, no, it’s not.

But nothing should be. Lol “bitcorn isn’t safe for my retirement fund” man the majority of the world lives in abject desperation and misery wondering where their food fund for tomorrow will come from, not their retirement fund. Shame on anybody thinking this is some metric for Things That Are Good, that you can just have excess money and have it magically turn into more excess money, with no work on your end, in a fucking world like this.