The Crypto Thread


Do we have to burn the old Dutch masters for new paintings to have value? Destroy all the Beatles recordings so new pop music has value?

I am really struggling to understand your argument.

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Have rare Beanie Babies been steadily increasing in value beyond inflation? So the valuable ones cost more now than they did at the peak of Beanie mania?

Beetlejuice: Am I going to walk around and rip your fuckin investments down, in the middle of a thread? Then why the fuck are you posting your hot takes? Ah-da-da-dah, like this in the background. What the fuck is it with you? What donā€™t you fuckin understand? You got any fuckin idea about, hey, itā€™s fucking distracting having somebody talking about beanie babies in the middle of a fuckin thread? Give me a fuckin answer! What donā€™t you get about it?

Formula72: I was looking at the market.

Bale: Ohhhhh, goooood for you. And how was it? I hope it was fuckin good, because itā€™s useless now, isnā€™t it?

Formula72: OK.

Bale: for fuckā€™s sake man, youā€™re amateur. Sven, you got fuckin something to say to this prick?

SvenO: I didnā€™t see it happen.

Beetlejuice: Well, somebody should be fuckin watching and keeping an eye on him.

SvenO: Fair enough.

Beetlejuice: Itā€™s the second time that he doesnā€™t give a FUCK about what is going on in this forum, all right? Iā€™m trying to fuckin make a thread here, and I am going, ā€˜Why the fuck is formula72 posting in here? What is he doing here?ā€™. Do you understand my mind is not in the thread if youā€™re doing that?

Formula72: I absolutely apologise. Iā€™m sorry, I did not mean anything by it.

Beetlejuice: Stay off the fuckin forum man. For fuckā€™s sake. Alright, letā€™s go again.

SvenO: Letā€™s just take a minute.

Beetlejuice: Letā€™s not take a fuckin minute, LETā€™S GO AGAIN!!

Beetlejuice: Iā€™m going to fuckin kick your fuckin ass if you donā€™t shut up for a second! All right?

Unknown voices: Beetle, Beetle. Itā€™s cool.

Beetlejuice: Iā€™m going to goā€¦ Do you want me to fuckin go trash your posts? Do you want me to fuckin trash 'em?! Then why are you trashing my thread?

Formula72: Iā€™m not trying to trash your thread.

Beetlejuice: You ARE trashing my thread!

Formula72: beetle, I was onlyā€¦

Beetlejuice: You do it one more fuckin time and I ainā€™t logging onto this forum if youā€™re not banned. Iā€™m fuckin serious. Youā€™re a nice guy. Youā€™re a nice guy, but that donā€™t fuckin cut it when youā€™re fucking around like this in the crypto thread.

It really sounds like a few of you STILL refuse to believe you can use multiple slurp juices on a single ape


This led me on a deep dive to see how/if/why collectibles in general like baseball cards and comics appreciate over time. Itā€™s a much more contentious and poorly-understood thing than I expected.

ā€œSome do, some donā€™t.ā€

Iā€™d say comics and beanie babies are quite different from pokemon/sports in that the thing to go most insane is unopened stuff.

I think we are talking from two different angles here but I was responding to a post saying that the perceived value could be in part because they are part of the original and thatā€™s fine. What I am saying is that folks seem to be left click buying nfts instead of right click downloading it for similar reasons why someone would left click buy a beatles album vrs playing for free on the internet or left clicking a superman 1 comic for a million vs reading it for free a different way.

People used to buy comics in the 40 and 50s and read them like a newspaper and throw them away never expecting the ones left standing in good condition to be worth so much 40 years later. Fast forward those 40 years to the 90ā€™s when those people began to keep them neatly bagged and boarded ended up being discouraged that they didnā€™t return the same value because almost everyone had been doing the same thing for the next 30 years so the value stayed the same. My argument was that that I held the opinion in that the value of nfts would come from their collective demand and that them being original wouldnā€™t play a factor with something where the volume and condition remains unchanged.


Thatā€™s a fair point and I do wonder how physical collectibles from today will look in 20-50 years as right now everyone is carefully saving all their stuff they think is valuable. I wonder if itā€™ll be random stuff that no one thought to save that turns out to be valuable, rather than the stuff people are currently paying tons for and carefully preserving.

We are seeing a pretty rapid slide (at least I am anecdotally) away from physical consumerism towards, at least physical, minimalism and I could see this spiralling (a good thing) further in the next few years given resource, climate issues. I canā€™t imagine physical collectibles having anywhere near as broad an appeal in the future.

Well, most of it is nostalgia. The stuff going nuts now is because stuff that was popular when the now 30-40 year olds with money were kids and they want to have that stuff again or now have the money to do so.

Iā€™d bet on the same stuff happening.


Possibly. I still think weā€™ll see the nostalgia factor battling with the minimalism factor (for people who care about climate, resources etc) somewhat. At least moreso than nowadays where everyone still has too much junk in their possession.

OK, but first, the volume of most NFTā€™s is exactly one. They didnā€™t run off 500,000 copies of beetlejuiceā€™s avatar. He is the only person with that one.

And thatā€™s not how art works anyway. Thereā€™s bazillions of original paintings. A few are almost literally priceless, but most arenā€™t worth the canvas theyā€™re painted on. Other media have multiple copies with artificial scarcity, like limited edition photographic prints. There is an entire body of French law governing castings of Rodinā€™s sculptures. The first large bronze casting of The Thinker on display at the MusĆ©e Rodin is certainly worth more than identical ones made after his death.

So it can be complicated, and Iā€™m still not sure I understand your argument.


Didnā€™t he sell it a while ago? Thought last I looked on opensea it had sold.

BRB calling the avatar police

anakin stone face

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Thievery! Call the Crypto Police!

