The Crypto Thread

My title was at least fun while it lasted. RIP


That’s a pretty silly ban. Tone down the power trip.


Yeah apparently cruise lines are much more evil than most other corporations. I guess no one here owns Amazon?

And definitely more evil than stuff like buying an Axie Infinity NFT then leasing it out on “scholarship” to poor people in the Philippines to mine Love Potion for you all day for less than the average daily wage in the Philippines (video is teed up).

“We have a charity department for players who can’t make 120 SLPs/day.” No evil there. We’re changing the world for the better! To da moon!

Those with the capital to assemble more lucrative Axie teams have set up guilds and “scholarships” – profit-sharing systems where players are charged a percentage of their earnings. The owners’ take can reportedly go as high as 30 percent.

Rent seeking bad. Rent seeking on the blockchain? - Drake happy face.

Man, things were just settling down. C’mon, people flipping apes ITT aren’t evil.

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Back to some discussion…

This is an interesting point that flips the typical analysis on its head. When faced with the criticism that Bitcoin is only used for illegal activity, most of us correctly respond that Bitcoin is actually a terrible tool for eluding authorities and surveillance.

But should we be so willing to concede this? After all, “illegal activity” is a deliberately opaque term that as we’re all too familiar with in the worlds of poker, marijuana, civil asset forfeiture, and BLM protests, is as often used to strengthen the state stranglehold over its citizens as it is to prevent anything actually nefarious.



But owning cruise line stocks is.

Dude caught a ban for the cruise stock needling, no need to respond with the same negative energy.

Owning cruise line stocks doesn’t make you evil, but cruise lines are definitely evil.

What I think we can all concede is that it’s impossible to invest in the economy in a completely good and positive manner, so arguments of investments being evil shouldn’t be used by either side. This means conceding that you can’t use these arguments as negatives against cryptocurrency or NFTs either.


It’s stupid. There are a million things on the hyper-capitalist MLM blockchain way more evil than owning a few cruise stonks.

The point wasn’t to debate the morals of owning cruise line STONKS, but that the person who owns cruise line STONKS shouldn’t moralize about what other people choose to invest in.


AND I NEVER HAVE. The only context I’ve ever moralized is when I get attacked for owning cruise stonks. Saying NFTs resemble an MLM pyramid scheme is not moralizing. I can’t help it if posters like Wichita take that as a personal attack on their character and feel the need to lash out. That’s on them.

Doesn’t it feel a little ridiculous that some of the same people who constantly lecture us about the evils of capitalism are all in on hyper-capitalism in its rawest uncut form? The dude who made that line goes up video is clearly as anti-capitalist as you can get. He seems to find a lot of exploitation that crypto evangelists brazenly try to frame as some kind of humanitarian effort. If games like Axie Infinity are one big bright future use case of NFT, that’s terrifying imo.

Making almost as much as you make working your real job, playing a game.

Horrific. How can they do this

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Yeah I agree. I tend to not moralize because I know I’m not one to throw stones. I’ve stayed away from moralizing about NFTs because sure - if you want to trade monkey jpgs there’s nothing inherently evil about that. I only get sucked into this discussion because of the dumb cruise stonks thing. I will try to just ignore next time.

Riverman avatar with stuff like different color shirt and other features would work fine. Gotta think outside the box here.

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You’ve got a point there.

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This thread in particular seems like a place where people have learned new things from each other and mostly gotten along well. I’m not even into crypto but I still like to pop in and see what’s up. I suppose it’s a normal human tendency to lol at people we think are being ridiculous.

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So true! Thank you!

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Spending hours a day posting about crypto scams as a way to try and make the point the space is bad is moralizing. Yes there are scams. No the crypto space isn’t inherently evil(although there are tons of problems with it like with anything). Not sure you can say the same about cruise lines is and was my point. They are very clearly inherently evil. Sorry I hurt your feelings to the point you need to keep bringing up my attack on you for bragging about making money off cruise lines. Hopefully we can move on.

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This community’s always been a bunch of weird poker nerds who follow politics and like to shoot the shit about it. No more, no less. If you wanted to start a thing on doing activist stuff or whatever, it would probably be well-received.

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Activist stuff has been tried here and met with disdain.