The Crypto Thread

They didn’t all say it, I said it. Just me. One guy’s opinion. And I didn’t say it because - as you love to imply - I think it’s all going to zero. I said it because everything moves very fast and I don’t think anybody can predict with much confidence which tokens or blockchains or NFT collections are going to be successful 6 months from now.

You’re conflating one subset of NFT’s with cryptocurrencies, blockchains, and decentralization as a whole. I don’t think anybody is claiming BAYC is going to solve world hunger. Yet many do make similar claims about other aspects that may be less obvious to you because you haven’t looked past the surface.

As an anarchist there is a broader underlying philosophy to all of this that you should find very interesting, if not outright appealing.


they’re alright tho

they ended up giving millions total iirc


Not a shot a BAYC, BAYC and OCM are like Arnold and Karl Weathers


You were hardly the only one following that convo and I’m pretty sure more than one person responded to my question.

Like, this was posted earlier today!

I think all of us on the discord think that the NFT market as we currently know it is going to end at some point.

very true. i’d compare the time/attention i pay to it to reading this forum when there’s some big news event going on. and lately in NFTs it’s like full trump era with big news every couple days. that’s why i feel like you all are not thanking me enough for tipping you off to this outrageous situation where silly cartoons can become worth a lotta money. and it’s kinda rude, looking a gift horse in the mouth, you’re being rude.

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That should be cartoon gift horse.

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we love the manks


ticket scalping. you could resell tickets to an opera for a profit, i’ve seen george do it on seinfeld. is the guy who bought ps5 for 2x msrp a sucker? if he’s rich and he wanted it that badly he might think he’s a big winner.

A $750 gif is valuable because that’s what people are willing to pay for it right now. Do you think there are many opportunities to buy mediocre art on Etsy for $250 and flip it for $750 within several hours / days?

Who cares?

Thought Experiment #1: I offer to sell you ten Playstation 5s at retail price ($500) when they are selling for $800 on the open market. Furthermore, assume that you can do this by just sitting at home in your underwear clicking buttons and don’t have to take possession of physical goods or drop them off at UPS. Would you

(a) buy them and insta-pocket the $3,000 profit (minus fees)?

(b) decline because who knows how much Playstation 5s might be worth in 2032?

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You just deleted the key point of my comment to make a disingenuous rebuttal, and then followed that up with an unattributed quote (it was from Fatboy8) where you also deleted all his key points to make a further disingenuous rebuttal. The dishonesty in both cases was pretending either of us were talking about a collapse of the entire crypto ecosystem when we were very clearly doing the exact opposite and making the case for its probable longevity even if some parts may fail in the near term.

But if I point out how much of the anti arguments ITT are exactly this sort of bad faith trolling I am told I have thin skin.

It’s actually not clear at all that everyone understands this.

Jesus, dude. I’m reposting parts of posts I want to respond to because reposting them all in their entirety would be annoying and would add nothing (most of your post was directed at Chads!). This a fairly common thing on internet forums.

But if I point out how much of the anti arguments ITT are exactly this sort of bad faith trolling I am told I have thin skin.

You’re told you have thin skin because you condescend and call people disingenuous and jump down their throats like this.

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Personally, my plan is to spend some time learning solidity so that i can start my own thang - I’ve got a few ideas… the learning curve can’t be too bad when all the code of existing projects is already public.


Why don’t Goofy and all the other nerds with $ick technical $killz just $nipe you on these guaranteed flip opportunities? Is it not the case that us dumb normies have to engage in speculation to flip for profit?



Do your significant others know you are buying jpegs for $10,000 ? That sounds like a fun conversation.

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They do.

Mostly, yes. There are still drops that are basically guaranteed money, and those are generally the ones where you know for sure that the demand exceeds the supply. Aside from obvious sellouts on OS, they can often involve joining a queue and winning a lottery just like Playstation drops, and that’s what you want because otherwise you’ll lose to the bots.

Charlie Munger is also against crypto, for people who are looking for other hater videos to consume after the 2 hr one. Very strong words from this investing legend, really making me rethink my entire position.

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I think an important fact that some ITT may not realize is that you can be 100% right about the impact and importance of an emerging technology, but that doesn’t mean it is straightforward to actually profit off of it.

When the market gets awash with capital there’s a lot of competition and dilution (see railroads, autos, internet). You are basically reduced to picking the winners within the emerging tech, and that’s a whole different level of difficulty.