The Crypto Thread

I made some money off topshot. I put the discord on silent and then jumped back in later and decided the move was to put more money and take all the topshot money and go all in on pak stuff. Merge and ASH. I suck at this.


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I will when the risk return of buying is appropriate. Price hasn’t corrected enough yet. Probably will buy ETH first but waiting for the correction.

This is such a weird post that is wrong on pretty much every level. No one cares about how we are perceived. We do see this as a money making opportunity and figure if people have the time and energy to post in this thread, it probably makes sense to actually learn about the blockchain and maybe try to make some money in the process. If that’s not for you, cool - no one really cares.

It’s also weird that you’re trying to somehow make this personal - goofy would post the same thing to anyone. And if you actually bothered to join the discord you’d see goofy is rooting for everyone and actively trying to help them make money - even some people that I’m sure you would claim he doesn’t respect.


As someone completely new to NFTs and with a basic rudimentary understanding of crypto, blockchain, etc, where should I start? I am embarrassed to say I have never used Discord or know how to join the Discord here.

Most of the people I know IRL have opinions that range from “scam”, “bubble”, “moronic” etc. None of them actually know a thing though. I am pretty intrigued by the whole idea.


What is it about crypto/nft/web3 that makes so many otherwise good posters lay down so much toxic positivity and other douchebaggery itt. I know, ngmi or w/e but Jesus you guise, really giving cult vibes here.

Its because deep down they know its all bullshit.


It’s kind of a cult, sure. The best goddamn cult I’ve ever been in

Way better than the anti-trump cult I was in for years which earned me nothing but miserable hopelessness


Because crypto is going to save the world, unlike all the dumbass eDem nonsense you guys love to lather yourselves up with, and we’re hoping to get folks with the right outlook, who want to help achieve something great for the world, while also making fu money, to join up before it’s too late.

Wait, I forgot the question.

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Which has the best chance of stopping climate change?
  • BTC
  • ETH
  • Nancy Pelosi

0 voters

So wait it’s the posters sharing their high alpha strategies for free that are the toxic douchebags? Not the ones who come in here to berate them personally on a daily basis?


Cap & trade on carbon emissions using ethereum with tons of middlemen pumping up the price sounds ideal for limiting co2. Each nation could airdrop every citizen carboncoins every year and regular folks can sell on a market where exon and major polluting corps are buying. Stimulus + co2 reduction in one go

But I’m sure Nancy has something better in her pocket, she’s got the “destroy capitalism” bill ready to go its just super secret


(this article was posted as news - the opinions expressed in it do not necessarily reflect the views of the poster)

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I don’t think anyone cares if you buy a Bitcoin, we just want upers to get in the jpeg game because it’s a once a decade or two easy money opportunity. It’s cool if you aren’t interested but it’s pretty inexplicable to those of us that have made a coin or three off this scam


And it’s pretty fun 🤷


I think it is a great opportunity but I wouldn’t personally call it easy money. Maybe it is once you get the hang of it but it’s some work to figure it out. Or maybe I’m just slow.


Yeah I guess easy is relative. Just seems like a no brainer for a bunch of action junkies though

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More nice action today even with a down stonk market, excellent hedge against Biden’s inflation problem

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The “toxic positivity” comment irritated me a bit. What you are seeing as toxic positivity is a reaction to the level of toxic negativity that those of us wanting to discuss this topic here have received from certain members of the community. So some have chosen to just be overly positive in response to it.

There is a lot of room for a more nuanced discussion on these topics (in fact we just had one in the discord). However, it’s impossible to have this sort of discussion when what we’re dealing with is people who just want to post lol crypto, NFTs are all a scam, everything is going to zero, etc. This is what causes people to engage here in the way they are.


I’m watching the line goes up video and just got to this part. Ad break 20 seconds later? Matt Damon calling me a pussy. This is meta before meta was cool.