The Crypto Thread

You called a post racist for questioning the idea that people in Africa will fail to incorporate new technology my man.

It’s possible to be fascinated by something w/o having a stake in it or a desire to ever have a stake in the future.

“Saying poor people in Africa can’t acquire the knowledge or technical ability is 100% a racist trope.”

“This post is stupid and racist in the way that “I don’t see color” said by a white person is stupid and racist.”

I mean it’s right there dude.

The real racism is the friends we made along the way.

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This exists for Solana

Along with a good solana on chain data aggregator

UCC is great btw. They had the big investors behind solana on before it 100x’d. Also had lots of great discussions with traders and developers and a willingness to explain what they were wrong about in the past. They predicted that DeFi would be a lot of the top coins by end of 2021 when in reality layer 1s ended up accruing the most value.

pretty sure the Ethereum fees for any major mint will keep most normies out of pursuing ownership in NFTs. Needing to have roughly 2-5 K available to even start to play in the space locks out like 90% of Americans.

Maybe? I believe I’ve read that Ethereum has promised that lower fees are coming for like 3 years now.

Caveat: I may be completely wrong.

Anytime somebody asks, it’s always a year away.

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I have Eth that’s locked in the beacon chain until the merge, so I’m pretty sure that means it will never happen.

I don’t think anyone is going to care enough for a 300k donation.

“Fake money offers no benefit over buying with credit cards.”

Quote from a person who has never tried to buy fake baseball cards with a credit card.



Look these stonks today! much gains wow


trains not gonna make it?



It works for literally any invention!

Remember when the wheel came out and everyone was like “This is stupid. I don’t get it.”?

We are prettay prettay … prettay early

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Don’t be like Larry. Even if you’re convinced it’s going to zero, put 1% of your net worth in. Would you really miss 1% if it went to zero? I’m guessing not. Get some ETH if you’re feeling frisky. But to own 0 BTC is just completely irresponsible at this point and has been for a while. Get off zero. And don’t bother arguing otherwise, I won’t read your post.
“If you don’t believe me or don’t get it, I don’t have time to try to convince you, sorry.” - Satoshi