The Crypto Thread

BJ is right. You are wrong. I don’t really give a fuck if you are a racist or not but literally your posting in this thread is sub Mason level. It’s embarrassing.

Can people at least acknowledge that capitalism is a massive ponzi scheme as they label crypto that?

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Lol fuck off if you’re going to lecture me and not disclose what you invest in. No one thinks cruise lines are that much more evil than any other corporations. Is anyone who goes on a cruise also evil? What foreign vacations don’t involve some kind of exploited worker situation? Are we only allowed to go to Europe?

You’re just grasping at straws for anything you can try to use to attack. I’ve never once tried to morally chastise anyone in this thread for being into NFTs. I’m literally just talking about NFTs in the NFT thread and you’ve come in with BS personal attacks multiple times.

I’m ignoring you from here on, so be a jerk to your heart’s content. Trying to think of the last time you ever added anything to a thread and yeah, easy call.

It’s really too bad we don’t have the rainbow text on this site.

Cruise lines are literally slave ships full of deplorables destroying the climate of the Earth. I’m not sure that is even debatable.

And 98% of corporations are horrifically evil. I mean my god, listen to yourself.

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No, because that would be stupid.

Like we’re literally posting these messages using miracle technology while we have full bellies and maybe drinking coffee or tea from across the world. Capitalism may be inherently exploitative, like any functional economic system, but it is anything but illusory. Investment in capitalistic enterprise is often gambling, but with a total net positive return over time. It’s basically a means of organizing human labor toward desired ends subject to the regulatory input of the state.

The interesting questions are not capitalism or its alternative, because there is no alternative, but mainly how best to organize capitalism to serve humanity.

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Sure, that’s why I think Scandinavian-style highly-neutered capitalism is the best economic/political system out of a bunch of bad choices.

Crypto OTOH seems like 100% unfettered unregulated naked capitalism.

You can argue that regulation makes things worse, because of regulatory capture. That is a legitimate argument and regulatory capture is a very real problem. But I still believe having no regulations ends up worse.

With everything decentralized, people have to do their own research to protect themselves. I’m suggesting you could have the option to check people you do business with against either a whitelist or a blacklist. You could still do transactions without such a service, but maybe an option to warn that you’re connecting to something unverified or suspicious, if not directly block that transaction, is something that people would be willing to pay for.

And if it’s antithetical to the libertarian ideals of certain crypto types, then so what? Why should crypto exist and function according to their specifications?

Is your preference for there to be no crypto or for there to be regulated crypto?

I don’t have a preference. I’m just fascinated to see how it all shakes out.

And I like when new technology comes out and people are flying by the seat of their pants trying to figure out best practices. Once those are figured out then things get boring.

Interesting podcast from 2016 with an academic and Bitcoin skeptic who says that the vast majority of its use is for crime. The fact that he lost out on 100x gains does not convince me he’s wrong. Lawfare Archive: Nick Weaver on Why You Should Sell Your Bitcoin - The Lawfare Podcast

I like boring. I’ve been able to turn pot limit omaha into a boring form of poker.

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I wasn’t referring to anyone in this thread as a true believer, but I’ve seen plenty of stuff out in the wild about crypto democratizing currency or onerous and unnecessary regulation of the economy, etc. There’s plenty of techo utopianism in the general space, but I haven’t seen that in this thread.

I had dinner with two friends recently, one who has retired at 50 with money and is into crypto and nfts. I told him I thought that was cool, as long as he was gambling with cash he could afford to lose (given two teenage kids).

I got the sense from him and this board that most people in the area are “in on it,” and almost everyone is hustling everyone, but there are also like 15% true believers (it’s a continuum). I’m fine with everyone hustling everyone, it’s a natural continuation of the Trump years.

Been going on wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy before Trump years lol

The big cruise lines are part of the S&P 500, which I assume most of the crypto enthusiasts and crypto skeptics hold in some form or another.

“Wow sure seems to be a lot of fraud and scamming in this space!”


Great job anyone making money on this bullshit but spare me the “it’s good, actually” nonsense.

Basically this:

I have met many software engineers who are into mining crypto but not many that are super into it as an investment or life philosophy. Also, being a software engineer doesn’t mean you can just read smart contracts out of the box. They created their own language for that.

Well, that’s how it started, but then when it turned out to be completely useless as a currency it transformed into a “store of value”.

My 2c

There would be some merit to all the advertisements and hype directed at regular people if there were actual compelling real world use cases for crypto. I’m surprised that here we are 10+ years in, and the only reason for someone to be interested in crypto is the possible opportunity to buy and sell it to someone else for more money.

I use bitcoin/crypto as a currency almost every week.

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