The Crypto Thread

You don’t get to gloat about making millions on multicolor squiggles, cartoon avis, cubes, dots and whatever the innovators and galaxy brains sold you on this week without facing one or two memes and playful ribs about a trillion dollars of imaginary money vaporizing overnight. I don’t make the rules.

So if everything gets vaporized do we still have to call the Staples Center the arena?

Welcome back Riverman!



So that it can speculated on.

I mentioned it a month ago, but some anonymous people posted a 2m trailer of a unity game (MegaWeapon), made a catchy website and got millions in funding through their ec20 crypto currency.

Can you imagine the level of interest if it wasn’t tied to crypto? Hint: zero.

Guys, come on. How can you not see this. Look at all these things nobody has ever heard of with the market cap of like Auto Nation.

“I don’t know what it is so it must be worthless.”

If you actually cared to learn anything I could tell you exactly why those all have high valuations, but you don’t so I’m not going to waste my time.

Yeah, I’m sure I could dO tHe rESEArCh and learn why fake money called “decentraland” is worth more than Auto Nation and it’s $1.5 billion in annual net income. You guys are so high on your own supply you can’t take a step back and see how absurd this all is.

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I can’t be the only person who doesn’t know what Auto Nation is?


Why exactly do you feel the need to be such an unrelenting dick about this? People celebrating their success a bit and you gloating over their misfortune are not two sides of the same coin. It’s really gross.

I’ve also never heard of it, ergo it must have zero inherent value.

I’m not happy anyone is losing money. I thought the point of the thread was to discuss and debate crypto. At no point have I ever expressed happiness at anyone losing money. If you guys need a safe space, fine, but boy are you defensive and you may want to consider why.


I didn’t either, so I looked it up and everything Riverman is saying about it is incorrect.

You are very transparently not interested in any good faith discussion of this topic.

Gotta be honest here, riverman’s posts in this thread also don’t really live up to our community guidelines and are a bad look by someone acting as a moderator of the forum.

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The purpose of this thread was originally to discuss cryptocurrency and projects being developed in the space. The fact that you felt like a downturn in the crypto world was the perfect time for you to come in and shit on everyone in here with the exact same posts that you’ve been making since literally 2013 isn’t a debate or adding any value to the discussion here.

You’re saying this market is irrational, what market is rational? You bring up a random stock for comparison (and use incorrect numbers at that) as though the entire stock market isn’t just a casino too.

What am I even supposed to respond to? Ok you’re right , everything is going to zero. Discussion is all over folks. You can safely head back to the football threads now where you can talk about how you all know more about the game than every football player, coach, and gm does.


Activision does make things! Made up fake “money” does not.

Does no doubt ever enter your mind?

lol Activision and Decentraland make the exact same things