The Crypto Thread

Legit lold

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Buying and selling NFTs is basically like playing stock options on an wildly accelerated timeline (like buying and selling within hours or days, with entirely new assets that pop-up constantly). So Iā€™ve already moved on from all my best trades, and the best ones to get into next are likely in NFTs that havenā€™t even been minted yet. My only real recommendation would be to get into the discord and maybe dip your toes in what others are excited about.

That said, crypto is pretty skittish right now. Itā€™s either a great time to buy or a potential knife-catching screwup if things drop further. But like Witchita said, itā€™s definitely possible to outrun a drop in ethereum price by making trades that build your ethereum. Unless crypto goes to zero, I suppose.

ETA: Itā€™s really hard to put a price on the quality of information in our discord. It would be incredibly easy to lose all your money in NFTs without the shared expertise of the UP folks.

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Iā€™ve decided to listen to that Jim guy. He seems to get it.


PM @anon3530961 if you havenā€™t already.


So getting my Twitter account suspended for wishing death on the unvaxxed is bad?

at least I tried to tell you that buying in the 50kā€™s was just nuts when you said the same thing.

here do whatever I guess, though I thought 40k was either going to be a bottom and things turned around and instead it broke straight through it.

if you like losing a shit ton of money lately, well we got some great ideas for you

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am I doing this right?

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Is Twitter gonna let me put my mason plumlee common dunk as my avi?

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Other than the discord, what are you using to consume information about crypto/NFTs?
  • Other discords
  • Twitter
  • YouTube
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • I donā€™t do anything outside of the discord

0 voters

Other than the discord, how much time do you spend researching and studying the topic per week?
  • Less than one hour
  • 1-5 hours
  • 5.0001 - 10 hours
  • 10.0001 to 30 hours
  • More than 30 hours

0 voters

lol Facebook and Instagram

The other major platforms are Reddit, Telegram, & Medium. Youtube only for gameplay videos to see if itā€™s a real project.

The first :rose: Twitter profile I see linked to an avi worth more than the average US worker makes in two decades is going to give me a stroke.

I donā€™t know. Iā€™m just trying to get an idea for what sort of time sink this is. I think Iā€™m almost decided that the next batch of run-good I have in poker, Iā€™m going to sink some of that profit into this space.

Iā€™m a bankroll nit in poker who likes to keep at least 50 buyins easily accessible in cash/chips. Iā€™ve never done any investing in stonks or anything else, so I have to figure out how much exposure I want. Iā€™m not a YOLO/FOMO guy whoā€™s going to Leroy Jenkins his way into this, which might be a bad mindset for this sort of thing, but I am what I am.

I also forgot to add podcasts, but people have voted so I wonā€™t change it.

Given the libertarian bros who are into crypto, I assume there are guys who are hawking their hour-long Youtube videos on the subject. And people have posted informative Youtube videos ITT.

I know Doug Polk has posted crypto videos and I think heā€™s been a gateway for some poker players, but Iā€™ve always wanted to punch him in the face so I havenā€™t watched any of them. Are there Youtube channels that are valuable for basic info?

I have no idea, I would never watch a uToob (or listen to a podcast) to learn about crypto stuff unless it was very specific and relevant to the project, like gameplay video. I vastly prefer written words over some blabbermouth who is almost certainly getting paid behind the scenes to shill something. Iā€™d start here (they do have some videos if you must):

Itā€™s sort of up to you how much time you invest. I think that the more time you invest, the more profit you can make (in general). Thereā€™s just so much stuff out there, we miss a ton of opportunities daily just because thereā€™s way too much going on to keep track of.

A lot of times itā€™s as easy as someone on Discord finding a good project (usually on Twitter or through another Discord), telling us about it / sharing it, we do a bit of research ourselves and buy it / mint it.

Podcast/Youtube is more for buying or trading bitcoin or altcoins, not for NFTs.