The Crypto Thread

We love the manks. Never been more bullish on an NFT project, not even close. Clearing 1eth was an important hurdle for them. Things are going to get very interesting now. Congrats to all holders!

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holy shit my Wal-Mart stock is going to go to the moon

By the way, how the fuck did Facebook get everyone to call virtual reality and shit the “metaverse” so quickly?

The metaverse term was around long before the Facebook announcement

Is this the future of NFTs?

unironically yes

Funny you actually linked to a scame collection. Here is the real deal:

Each of these are valued currently at $8000+

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Update, someone made a collection with the images flipped. Those are currently going at $400/each and have already done over $150,000 volume traded.


Call me a dullard but I liked crypto better when it was just BTC, ETH, and a few scattered altcoins.


So just to be clear there is literally no way to copyright stuff to keep it from being used as an nft?

Like, could I take all of these, add groucho glasses to them, and sell them as nfts with no repricussions?

You can’t keep it from being put on the blockchain. You can report it to the exchanges that host the NFTs for sale for removal though. In this instance, Irene can report that collection and OpenSea will take it down.

What will happen to those that have already purchased them when they are shut down?

They are SOL. Gotta hope it picks up on some shadier exchange that doesn’t follow copyright takedown notices. And those generally don’t have good volume at all.

To be clear, they still own the NFTs. It just gets harder to sell them at that point, because most volume is on OpenSea.

Can these people be sued? Isn’t one goal of at least parts of the crypto community to protect economic activity from lawsuits that take place in the sphere of influence of a government?

I imagine they can be sued, but it might be difficult to track down who they are, if they are careful about covering their tracks.


lol shitcoins