The Crypto Thread

i know right


Surely Nintendo could lease the exclusive use of Mario’s hat to some player without needing any NFTs to be involved. Seems no different that paying $5.00 for a rare Call of Duty skin or whatever.

Yeah idk maybe

I just set my Fornite skin and accessories to random because that’s how I fuckin’ roll.

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Look, I’ll be a roided-out pink horse wearing a goldfish bowl on his back and gliding down with an Ariana Grande umbrella, I don’t give a shit.


Why is it so inconceivable that most of the owners want to own them because they genuinely like them, even if they may intend to sell some at a future point? This is how all collectors operate, whether it’s fine art, baseball cards, rare books, vinyl records, and now, cartoon monkeys.


I don’t think the NFT craze can happen without true believers who think they are worth owning. Some people believe that crypto is the future and want to be known as an early adopter, for example. Certain NFTs may help convey that.

Read somewhere, maybe even earlier in this hater’s thread and I’m just remembering it, that the picture of the cartoon monkey is not even stored in the blockchain as that would make transactions cost prohibitive due to the file size of the monkey picture.

Rather the blockchain contains a link to a datasite where the monkey picture is stored. If the datasite were to go down years down the road, your NFT would just be a fancy broken hyperlink.

Bullshit or no?

Correct that most collection pictures are stored off the blockchain. You still own the token no matter what happens and there would be other copies of it on the internet so I can’t see the image being lost forever.

There are some collections stored entirely on chain but they are lower detail, pixel type stuff because of the size limits. A bunch of us own tokens from the first collection to be released like that, they have a cult following among the UP crew.

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It’s super cheap to host the image. With apes and a lot of these nfts they’re too complicated images to store fully on chain.

Some projects like onchainmonkey are fully on chain, and the art is a lot more simplistic

Cryptopunks arent stored on the blockchain?

Who owns the copyright of NFT images? If I am a racist who buys an NFT and uses the image as the symbol of my racist organization, is there a copyright owner who can stop me to avoid having racists associated with their work?

It varies from project to project. With bayc the token holders own it but with cryptopunks for example larvalabs retains ownership of the IP

I can’t think of an example of someone losing their nft rights for being racist. That’d be hilarious tho, they should do that for all goods. Like post the wrong thing on social media and the next day their car gets repo’d because toyota doesn’t want to be associated with that


this isn’t a shot at u or nft’s etc. but this part kills me

no worries if you lose your one of a kind apemonkey that you paid mucho dinero for, there are lots of copies on the internet.

All good. I would say you’re much more likely to lose or damage a physical good/collectible than you are a NFT so it isn’t really a concern for most or any people that are deep in this.

You kind of have to be a sick degenerate to be buying and selling 5+ figure tokens and obviously there are risks in all of this stuff. People get that. NFT trading is really just high stakes gambling. Hopefully you have an edge, if you don’t you probably won’t last long.

Token = email address and password

Image = a computer

The second one can be lost/destroyed and it’s no big loss, it can be replaced easily. The first one is what’s really important

Thanks. Now do this limited batch (#2) spicy ketchup.

What’s the web3 equivalent to this?


Why are you assuming no one is cashing out chunks to fiat? No one in here is saying you should keep your entire network in crypto

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So you’re saying I should buy all the limited edition spicy ketchup I can get my hands on while there’s still time?