The Crypto Thread

Do I get a cool jpg?

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Can I get a discord invite too? Other main spot for crypto discussion is dying down a bit. Thanks

If $Klan had given people real governance power (e.g. the power to vote out David and Mason), I think it would have been quite valuable.


There are a few places where you get free tokens for playing games. Not aware of any where they are casino games, but stupid online games. I think you can grind a few dollars an hour.

Itā€™s basically what you say - pay people to get them on the site and to use their coins, in hopes of building a bigger and profitable platform.

Sure this is all reasonable and thereā€™s def value in a ā€œcurrencyā€ (points) that can be used and traded like this I just donā€™t see how it would ever be worth real money but what do I know, you guys are killing it which is awesome.

On that note:


This restaurant (that doesnā€™t exist yet, but is supposedly opening in NYC in 2023) is membership only by NFT.

Decentralized membership is an interesting thing, unless of course you want to make sure you keep the Jews off the golf course or something then it doesnā€™t really work.

However, Iā€™m not sure a restaurant is the right thing to do this with. Thereā€™s enough hurdles to overcome with a restaurant that adding an exclusivity like this seems like youā€™re chances of failure increase dramatically. Maybe it will be exclusive like French Laundry or something?

If you own the NFT, you can lease it out to other people that want to go to the restaurant and make some money on it that way.

Anyways, itā€™s an interesting utility.

I also own some NFTs that give me a coffee subscription. Itā€™s an expensive coffee subscription for sure.

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so you know, a membership card

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Sure, but one you can sell without having to go through the organization.


downside of nft clubs is any rich jerk can join any club if heā€™s rich enough and big enough of a jerk to fork over the cash. but the flipside of that same downside is every rich jerk who joins means one former member who left happy with a big cash payout, maybe even life-changing money. it reminds me of that movie Looper that i saw on netflix recently, and if you ignore the terrible joseph gordon levitt makeup there was this organization the protagonist was part of thatā€™s like a sci fi hitman/garbageman and itā€™s easy work for nice money but then one day, and you never know when the day will come, you get the big payday, like a huge sack of gold, and youā€™re out, you go off and retire with it. and itā€™s a time travel movie so the guyā€™s job is to kill people sent back from the future and the last job, the big score is killing yourself from the future. and thatā€™s what you do when you sell your prized nft, youā€™re killing your online identity.

anyway as perfect as it is i canā€™t recommend the movie because joseph gordon levittā€™s eyebrow makeup is so fuckin distracting it seriously distracts from the overall plot as much as any scene heā€™s in. itā€™s one of the all-time greatest movie blunders. maybe watch it for that, just to see how they wrecked a really cool sci fi allegory about nft ownership


I legit thought, man, beetle is losing it bc this is a lot of text. I delved in anyway and it was quite the reward.

Beetlejuice is awesome except for the whole nft bullshit.

That is advice that applies anywhere on the internet. Donā€™t click random links in email, etc. not unique in any way to crypto - just now when someone gets scammed itā€™s more of a story that they lost an Ape than got their bank account drained.

I left the NBA Topshot Discord group because I had like 50 spam DMs from people who JUST NEEDED 3 MORE PEOPLE TO JOIN OUR DROP!

You can pretty easily block DMs. You can either (1) set to off except for friends or (2) turn them off for specific discords (i.e. set it so if someone only is in the TS discord with you, they canā€™t DM you).

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Donā€™t we already have IP laws for this sort of thing? Pretty sure Nintendo Inc is the only one who can create content with Marioā€™s hat and voice without getting slapped with a lawsuit.

So basically more status and clout shit.

I think thats what really bugs me about the NFT conversation. Just as I hate douchebros who have to show off their flashy lamboā€™s by revving at a red light and gunning it when it goes green, or the people with 20 million dollar houses for no good fucking reason. This just feels the same to me. ā€œLook at this cool shit I got that you canā€™t have.ā€

Alright yeah, cool story bro. jlawyeahok.gif.

Do I hate the people who sell shit to those who need that status clout to function in their day to day lives? No, whatever, you do you. And just like every other dumb grift, yeah I wish I had got in on the bottom line, but I didnt and que sera sera, but man, the fucking pretentiousness of gleefully flaunting that you are the only one to own a certain thing and the fake scarcity that comes with it boggles my mind a bit.

The idea would be for Nintendo to authorize the nft, not for some rando to make a Mario hat

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