The Crypto Thread



Thereā€™s been tons of time and money into projects that evaporated fast in crypto before when it goes down. So many worthless coins I owned at one point.

ie, if it went down 90%, almost all of them would leave.

Well the penguins have a 1 eth floor but he probably has some rares so say 200 eth in total. Unless he has some very rare ones then that goes way up.

Donā€™t know what degen apes are

Fidenza floor is 67 eth but his is probably one of the most expensive in the collection so impossible to price it. It was bought for 650 eth in Aug, doubt it would go for that now.

Ether rock, lol. Canā€™t find activity on these but I donā€™t think they ever sell, the cheapest available one is 269 eth so say 150-200 maybe.

The punk has been sold for like 3x floor in the past which is weird it looks floor to me but I donā€™t know much about punks. That would put it around 150 eth now.

So 550 eth plus whatever the fidenza is worth. Maybe 1000 eth total. Hard to price these items that arenā€™t very liquid unless youā€™re very familiar with the collections and the market conditions are always changing obviously.

wice has perfectly timed every top and bottom and never got any bet wrong in his life, itā€™s incredible really.


That is baffling, how can you be a crypto whale and not have any apes jesus christ.

You havenā€™t even tried to answer why BTC canā€™t drop 95% except to say ā€œI know technical stuff that you donā€™t understandā€ (and apparently canā€™t be explained). Thatā€™s generally a big red flag in these things.

Pretty sure the folks questioning bundling a bunch of subprime loans into AAA tranches got the same response. Math wizards have it all figured out. Weā€™re beyond risk. Try to keep up grandpa.

So about $3.5M. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Dude has to be sitting on a Scrooge McDuck pile of cash right now if all this is true.

Itā€™s not ā€œtechnical stuffā€. Itā€™s that you absolutely refuse to understand that there is an entire world of crypto out there that is not Bitcoin. Bitcoin can go to negative eleventy bazillion tomorrow and the rest of that world will continue to exist.

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And taken a picture in front of two cars in a hotel garage to prove it!

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Are most NFTs just a fancy version of dogecoin?

You said you thought a 95% crash is extremely unlikely. I asked what you based that on. How did that get conflated to me saying crypto would cease to exist?

I donā€™t know all the assets out there. There could be plenty that never got insane and pulled in NBA stars, and therefore donā€™t have as far to fall if at all.

So when I say 95% crash seems very possible, Iā€™m thinking about BTC and high-flying NFTs, not every little crypto project out there.

oh man this was a disappointing read

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Yeah I meant the royal ā€œyouā€, not you specifically. But yeah, tightening cycle mostly what I mean, i dont think doing it is possible without crashing valuations back to Earth.

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Does anyone know what happens to stolen apes? It would seem they canā€™t be resold for anything like full value, since theyā€™re stolen goods.

Has one ever been sold to someone who didnā€™t know about the steal and then had a rude awakening when they joined the discord?

I imagine you can find 300 awice posts saying he has sold at the most recent top and bought at the most recent bottom. Heā€™s so good!

He managed to post on Nov 3 how he was 100% on Trump betting wise, but apparently managed to cover 7 figures in bets onto Biden by Nov 4.


Because you keep giving the very strong impression that you think bitcoin==crypto and thatā€™s all anybody is talking about. I own less than $5 worth of bitcoin and Iā€™m not even sure where it came from. None of the NFT action happens with bitcoin. Most of the interesting projects people are developing have nothing to do with bitcoin.

Iā€™m not even sure what scenario youā€™re imagining. Like bitcoin and only bitcoin suddenly loses 95% of its value overnight and this causes ma and pa to lose the farm? Itā€™s just incoherent.

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Way too many mainstream players and rich people are involved at this point for a 90% collapse. Find the last time the rich and Goldman Sachs types lost it all and get back to us.

Also like zikzak said there is way too much built on top of crypto at this point for it to disappear anytime soon. The entire online gambling industry would have to cease to exist for BTC/ETH to be worthless and that is never happening.

Iā€™m skeptical of anything he says because it is his job to promote himself as a guru. But still it does look like he cashed out big in mid-November.

Not overnight, but fairly quickly. Some will try to buy the dips, but when they get wiped out a new wave will plunge lower. This is how crashes usually happen.

Again youā€™re putting words in my mouth. All Iā€™m asking is what is there to prop up an asset like BTC in freefall? What intrinsic value does it have to lure in value investors? Because that is what stops a crash eventually.

I couldnā€™t agree more that crypto will live on if BTC goes to zero. Crypto will probably become much more useful when NBA stars arenā€™t creating bubbles.