The Crypto Thread

Everybody should def panic. Never seen dips like this before.


It wasn’t a direct response to anybody.

As for your question, I think all markets are roughly correlated to some degree. It’s all the same global economy.

Crypto tends to crash if the market crashes and that’s well known. Here are the top 97 coins by market cap descending. Last column is 24h chart:

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Crypto theses say lots of things…

assume this is sarcasm this is nothing in crypto

but if everything is going to shit then yeah

yes it was sarcasm you are very perceptive

you tried to work for dapper labs and you still think I’m the idiot here

not mutually exclusive


Crypto seems to have two clear uses to me 1) digital gold - something that is a quasi-inflation hedge because enough people have accepted it as such 2) a way to circumvent governments.

Know the government can see what you are doing on the blockchain if they look, but they don’t bother for petty stuff and it’s still a good way to move wealth if you are fleeing a country. An example would be a well to do Afghan when shit went down. If they had a chunk of their wealth in Bitcoin prior, then they just have to worry about physically getting out of the country and can then easily access their Bitcoin digitally when they get to wherever they end up.

No worries about losing all your deposits in an Afghan bank or trying to get physical gold past warlords and shit while you are fleeing.

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I’m somewhat bullish on BTC and Eth - the product not the price. But ETH can lose 90% from its current price and still play a major role in the future if the market weeps.

It isn’t. It’s the world evolving. Bitcoin is the new internet cash, the idiots just think it’s gold.

I don’t think it’s either, at least it doesn’t behave like either one of those in the marketplace.

I’ve been laughing for several days at this

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I feel like if it dropped that far then it has to actually compete with the zero gas fees same thing stuff.

Crypto is dead.

Haters were right.

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Youre not wrong but thats a fairly arbitrary starting point

That’s right we’re going to crash so hard we actually go back in time for a bit


For instance, using Witchita’s graph, I can say its doen since June 2021.

Crypto go up, crypto go down. Same as it ever was.