The Crypto Thread

That probably makes it about 12 years of me hearing about Bitcoin, then. Maybe I would have gambled on some if everyone who was talking about it back then wasn’t some libertarian I wanted to punch in the face.

Some people are calling this the greatest scam against the dollar


Strassa2 is the guy who was trolling 2p2 for free web dev work for his [checks notes] hedge fund. Well, I guess “free” isn’t entirely fair: it came with the sweet perks of being able to use it in your portfolio and also included a “come into the office to see how the pros trade” day. Barter system if you will. Floor Chromie is exactly what I’d expect that person to have.


Same. My friend who made out like a bandit never could explain shit. “You don’t get the tech bro. BTC will change money. USd is a scam you idiot. How do you not see it moron?”

Never a positive thing to say about it… just everything else sucks and you suck if you can’t see it.

I don’t see the path to crypto replacing fiat money and I don’t see how the collapse of fiat money would be a good thing, but this thread has made me see at least some potential for crypto to have uses other than the black/grey market.

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i don’t think crypto replaces US dollars. in everyday situations a credit card will protect you more than fuck you up. worth the fees if you pay it off every month.

crypto is something of value that can be quickly and easily moved about online, do with it what you will. buy, don’t buy, play some games with it, try to build a network of games where the previously valueless coins people used to earn through gaming achievements could actually be worth a sandwich or a car or something. don’t sound that bad to me

This is a good idea. I happen to have a lot of ICX and there seems to be a number of NFT projects on the ICON network, so that seems like as good a place as any to play around with this stuff.


Live now

Ape coin will obviously become the world currency!

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If anyone still wants a Discord invite let me know. I sent them out with timers on them so it’s possible some expired if you haven’t accepted yet.

Wasn’t PayPal originally supposed to be what Bitcoin is? Like they were libertarians saying they were going to change money forever and when it didn’t pan out they realized what they built made it easier to make online payments? I guess not being able to explain something doesn’t mean you’re not going to make out like bandits but it adds a lot of uncertainty to the mix

To me a lesson to be drawn from crypto, Tesla and NFTs is: if libertarians think something is awesome, invest money in it. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy because libertarians usually have a lot of spare money. That’s why they’re libertarians.

I should have invested in seasteading?

I mean, if you’d invested in seasteading plus all the things listed above, you’d be up heaps.

The first few years of Wikipedia was complete libertarian dreck from top to bottom and somehow that’s ended up being one of the most pure, unqualified great things in human history.

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[citation needed]



“Wikipedia has received praise for its enablement of the democratization of knowledge, extent of coverage, unique structure, culture, and reduced amount of commercial bias… It’s reliability was frequently criticized in the 2000s, but has improved over time and has been generally praised in the late 2010s and early 2020s.”

Source: Wikipedia - Wikipedia


Was it? I thought it was more old school lefty.

If it was libertarian, it would have all been micro payments per article or some garbage like that.