The Crypto Thread

He owned and sold a cryptopunk too!!11!!

I like the squiggles but his is an awful one


Right, his thesis for crypto, defi, and nfts is much closer to the discordsā€™ thesis than to yours so the appeal to authority is a bit confusing.


Can I get a discord invite? TY in advance



Not sure how thatā€™s the dunk you think it is. A crypto skeptic thatā€™s also making money in the space thinks the project is an idiotic Ponzi scheme too.

Are one of you going to refute him in the replies? Iā€™d like to learn how Iā€™m wrong too.

Most people here are also crypto skeptics and are not really interested in shilling any particular project. But the main refutation as Wichita said is that heā€™s talking about an alpha version of a game thatā€™s 2 months old.

10% lending stablecoins to crypto (gemini if not comfortable in crypto world)

On the one hand this guy might know a tad more about finance than the discord bros. On the other hand he is pushing people to put money in what is clearly ā€œjust textbook speculative bubble nonsense.ā€

Is Strasser someone worth listening to? Why or why not and on which topics?

I like that the haters club is wasting time and brainpower looking for rhetorical ā€œdunksā€ to prove that itā€™s a very risky venture, this stuff. And the discord group is laughing all the way to the bank like, ā€œhaha yeah youā€™re rightā€


Youā€™ll get yours in the next five lifetimes after this, mark my words.

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iā€™m working closely with twitter hackers to steal your ape. iā€™ll update

Heā€™s been more successful at poker and finance than anyone here or in the discord.

He went on Brandon Adamsā€™ podcast early last year to discuss NFTs. Probably geared towards someone like you.

People are completely losing their shit becauseā€¦ Mozilla accepts crypto donations? Do I have this right?

All right, you guys are having too much fun and I want in, please send me a link to the discord.

You are correct. And their reasons are that crypto is all a ponzi and also destroying the planet. Therefore Mozilla is helping promote a planet destroying ponzi.


Happy Birthday Bitcoin

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