The Crypto Thread

I definitely think non-crypto money was flowing into TS. From reading the TS message boards, there were lots of people new to crypto who saw the hype and wanted to get on the “free money” train, so would have been buying with CC (which was very easy to do on TS).

I do think most of the big purchases were from crypto people.

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Me 2 please

Seriously? The biggest meaningless world salad i’ve ever read?

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Yes - the pack money just goes to Dapper.

I used to monitor new account buying - just looking at the list of biggest buyers to see which were new accounts. There were quite a few people that came in with new money. While it was more often buying the expensive moments, there were new accounts that loaded up on cheaper stuff. No way to tell if it was crypto money or CC money though.

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Yeah, same here, when you have a moment.

This is definitely an accurate assessment of the crypto space currently. There’s been a major lack of new capital coming in since Q1 '21

Good twitter thread with some data on the subject here →

End result has been an inability to push the bluechips significantly higher while the crypto nerds fight over pumping and dumping smaller projects. “pvp trading” as I’ve heard it aptly called recently.

I still think a major altcoin flush is going to be needed to keep this space healthy and growing. Historically this has occurred in one of two ways–a major BTC run which sucks the life out of altcoins, or a market wide nuke where BTC performs strongest but still falls in USD price.

My money is still on the former. Only holding BTC & LTC currently.

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@anon3530961 will need to add both of you as it is his discord. I will alert him that he should check here and dm you guys an invite.


Smart contract too smart for the experts:

100% do not invest in nfts if you do not plan on doing this as a seriously time consuming hobby at least. These guys know every fucking project no matter how dumb it is.

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It wasn’t too smart for the experts. It’s just that the so called twitter experts are idiots.

edit: this guy announced the contract was good - despite seeing something in the contract that he didn’t understand and was ultimately part of the code that allowed them to rug:

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Sent some discord invites out via DM if i missed you or if you want one let me know


The whole thing of these made up coins is something my puny brain can’t understand.

Like we just dropped 7 trillion sos in your wallet and then that nothing goes up in value? why is that a thing?

The same reason Doge coin is a thing. I wish there were a better answer, but there is not really.

Yes please I’m deprived of meme gambles now that WSB is no longer a market-mover.

i finally sold one of these free drops at the right time


You… just did it. In the very post I’m now replying to.

Ain’t nobody thin skinned, we’re just tired of wasting our time replying to people who are actively hostile to learning anything. I mentioned smart contracts, stablecoins and proof-of-stake networks as important things to understand, and you dismissed it all as Libertarian YouTube sophistry. You clearly have no interest in any good faith discussion of this topic.

But whats the answer to the Dogecoin question?

Fwiw, my questions are in good faith even if they come off as adversarial.

I understand that I am at least 60% of the problem with my inability to really get what this all means or where it all goes.

For those who have cashed in I have no animosity. Possibly a bit of the green eyes monster, but I feel thats natural when the base cost for getting in seems very prohibitive to somebody with very little fluid funds.

Weve compared things to poker a time or two, and I think its an interesting comparison. So far as Ive seen, there isnt really a way to start off in micro stakes, increase skill, and move up in levels like you can with poker and a small starting stack. In poker I can understand how an edge can be gained. Crypto and NFTS ( at least to me) seem much less skillfull. So long as you have enough cash to throw at various projects, eventually youll get a hit. That seems less skillfull and more like a VC company than anything.

Not hating on ya’ll. Good luck, I hope you continue to crush.


constantly comparing things to poker is something we would all benefit from doing less.

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You probably won’t crush like the baller NFT traders here, but there are plenty of places to get involved for small stakes. Most of what I do is just throwing a couple hundo at one project or another because they sound promising and are at least temporarily offering high yields.

And if you stay off the Ethereum network there are affordable NFT markets out there, although they are much smaller and less lucrative. I picked this up yesterday for $11 and no gas.