The Crypto Thread

“We’re going to use crypto to compete with HBO, Disney and Netflix” is not promising imo.

The corpse of Epstein has more value than blockbuster

I have a Blockbuster gift card.

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The real world is a complete disaster. Part of Denver metro burned today (and may still be burning) in late December in wildfires. Crypto isn’t a solution to anything really. It is a partial escape from it though in the way that video games or binging TV shows is and really more than that in the sense that there is large financial gain possible also.

Is there any hope in the current political landscape (especially in the US)? No. So it is really that irrational a lot of us moved on to something like this? The only rational action you can currently take at this point is building a lifeboat off of the sinking ship any way you can. This has been an effective way to do it.


Or to put it more succinctly,

Making money on jpegs > being involved in progressive politics.

was with you until the claim that the only rational act is to give up

come on

there are plenty of people left to help, especially if you’re a white guy who is financially set

Helping people I know or who live in my community is something I believe in. Participating in national politics is not.

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Couldn’t they do that now with US American Dollars? Does Christie’s do a background check? Don’t they allow anonymous bidding?

It’s super charming how the more somebody takes the time to explain things in completely good faith, the nastier some of you get.

There are a handful of people who have literally made millions of dollars this year on crypto stuff and have been more than happy to share their knowledge with anybody who asked, and they’ve all been driven off this site. I can’t even imagine being that bitter about other peoples’ success.


i can, but you are clearly right about the other part.



Where is this happening? Some of you guys are unbelievably thin-skinned ITT.


Can someone send me info on the discord? Thanks.

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See Riverman’s comment about the post being “the largest collection of meaningless word salad,” despite the fact it’s painfully obvious Riverman has no clue what he’s talking about and is purely driven by his hate for crypto.

I think you misunderstood zikzak. No one has been driven off the site in tears. It is just a waste of time to continue to argue against people with badly outdated views on the topic and so a lot of people have stopped.

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I let josh know. He should be sending over a link shortly.

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Got confused for a second what happened to the crypto thread, but I guess it is aptly named now. I would also be interested to pivot to the discord.

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Multiple people are saying they have to retreat to the Discord. I mean, fine, I’ll stop posting here bc I don’t want to ruin everyone’s fun, but some of y’all are being a bit ridiculous.

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FWIW I haven’t thought any of your posts were overly antagonistic here.

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I think people are still happy to post here for serious discussions/questions. I think the issue is when people just drop by to gloat about crypto crashing or post the same non-substantive attacks, no one wants to engage with that.

I also don’t think it’s that people have “retreated” to the discord. I think it’s just if you want a more free-flowing in-depth conversation that is the place to go (unless you want like 10 crypto threads on UP).

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I think it’s accurate in many regards. To me it seems like BTC/ETH are the safe places to park your money (in a relative sense) at this point where monster gains aren’t even really seen as the point and everything else is people searching for the early BTC/ETH gains. So you have a lot of money chasing these new crypto trends around. In many ways that is where a lot of the UP money in 2021 has come from, simply being ahead of the wave of money into defi/NFTs/etc.