The Crypto Thread

Still a pretty great way to buy drugs and dodge taxes!

zoom out :copium:

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Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents, who supports creating a white “ethnostate,” purchased almost thirty when they were worth less than $10 a pop, according to the SPLC.

I find it hard to believe someone named “Greg Johnson” would be involved with a white ethnostate.

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Dammit was late with it

If crypto is better thought of as a replacement for gold rather than of fiat money, has anyone compared the environmental cost of mining crypto vs mining actual gold?

in dollar terms, actual mining cost a lot cheaper for crypto and way fewer children from 3rd world countries

This appears to be one:

“Bitcoin could be running on a majority combination of stranded, waste, and renewable energy by the end of the decade. Using the current global average grid figure of about 0.6 tons of CO2 per kWh of electricity produced, Bitcoin mining emits 70 Mt of CO2 annually.”

“Although the comparisons are not like-for-like, and with only Bitcoin’s scope of energy use and emissions being 100% defined, we can say that Bitcoin consumes/emits less than half of what the gold mining industry does, and less than one-fifth of what bank branches and ATMs do.”


Crypto should not be thought of as any one thing. There are dozens of blockchains and thousands of coins serving a wide variety of purposes.

well at least we all had fun

god damnit

let me get this straight, one person dies of omicron, which is covid, which has been killing people all along and the first thing some people think is to sell all their cryptocurrency.



Stan Lee’s ghost is selling NFTs of a Hindu superhero who apparently has a Star of David on his chest for some reason.

FWIW the 6-pointed star isn’t unique to Judaism


Just the other day I was thinking to myself, “You know what would really great? If we could have a Hong Kong-based company create a metaverse populated with artificial intelligence NFT’s based on their real world anthropomorphic robots. That’s exactly the sort of totally not creepy as fuck dystopia I want to see!”

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The first thing the AI learned was to pimp their socials at every opportunity. My first words were “like and subscribe”.

You love to see the shoutout.


The NFT we were all waiting for:^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1471468919810670603|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

Powered by Parler, so it combines the best of MAGA.


Really hoping some UPers manage to make stupid profits on Malaria NFT’s.

Also, plz boost my Solana bag in the process kthx.