The Crypto Thread


Weā€™re getting really meta now. God made his NFTs (us) and now weā€™re making our own.


lol transactions

Omg yes I need an avatar. I was just like, ā€œwtf I never typed lol transactionsā€


have you considered a white dot over a black background?


Itā€™s literal bubbles.


Thereā€™s about $6.5 billion in bitcoin being transacted daily. Not yet the masses but far from nothing.

Merge trading secondary at over double mint price so far (was 5x earlier)

Merge has a critical bug and it sounds like they need to re-mint the entire collection and refund millions of dollars in secondary sales.

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Genius pak


The best part about this is how they consistently maintained (to the incredulity of everyone) that the reason for the delay was so that everyone had a fair chance in the marketplace, which ultimately culminated in the collection being released from lock at [checks notes] 3:20 AM EST on a Thursday, and not concerns about a major mistake with the project that would cost NG a ton of money.

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Any cliffs on middle of the night shenanigans?

10m isnā€™t fast. 10s isnā€™t fast. And itā€™s not just speed that matters at scale, itā€™s throughput. Bitcoin can do like 4 transactions a second. Eth 16. Visa does 1700.

And idk how you think an irreversible transaction is less risky than a credit card or bank account.

Look at the speed/throughput issue this way: if you want an electronic token people can trade between themselves (a currency), a ledger has to be kept. Keeping that ledger in one conventional database is always going to be faster than distributing it over thousands of computers. This is an immutable law of physics. Nevermind proof of stake or layer 2 hand waving, even if consensus was instant and free youā€™d still be slower.

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When I am handing someone I donā€™t know a stack of cash, an irreversible, trustless p2p transfer is much better than using a third party payment processor.

Iā€™m not arguing for crypto to replace the banking system, but it does provide utility for me (in addition to the grey market online poker payment processing that has been extremely valuable to me personally).

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Confirmed rug

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people arenā€™t going to adopt crypto like they did the internet the internet is better, crypto is not

also AOL didnā€™t exactly go up forever, so if bitcoin is the AOL of crypto itā€™s not gonna ever get there either

anyway the better with inflation argument is now dead, store of value argument is dead, what are the goalposts now