The Crypto Thread

I have no idea what this means. But a lot of people are begging the hacker for money in the replies.

31m? That’s like a couple of jpegs and some shibs. Those guys ngmi


Liquidity pools are typically required to have equal values (not quantities) of assets in the pool. If one asset value changes relative to the other, arbitragers will buy and sell pool assets until the values are equal again.

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Ethics aside, is what the hacker did actually illegal? Doesn’t everyone agree to play by the rules of the smart contract which allowed them to take all the money? Was there some kind of terms of service that said “don’t exploit the smart contract”?

Also, I am really skeptical that it could have been someone who did the security review or a member of the developer team.


What kind of degenerate would exploit a smart contract to make money in a way not intended by the maker?


I sure am glad crypto is going to fix all the problems with fiat currency.

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This surely doesn’t sound like a Ponzi scam.


Goofy always says it’s full of erotic elements. I don’t see it so much erotic. I see it more full of obscenity. It’s just - Nature here is vile and base. I wouldn’t see anything erotical here. I would see fornication and asphyxiation and choking and fighting for survival and… growing and… just rotting away. Of course, there’s a lot of misery. But it is the same misery that is all around us. The trees here are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don’t think they - they sing. They just screech in pain. It’s an unfinished country. It’s still prehistorical. The only thing that is lacking is - is the dinosaurs here. It’s like a curse weighing on an entire landscape. And whoever… goes too deep into this has his share of this curse. So we are cursed with what we are doing here. It’s a land that God, if he exists has - has created in anger. It’s the only land where - where creation is unfinished yet. Taking a close look at - at what’s around us there - there is some sort of a harmony. It is the harmony of… overwhelming and collective murder. There is no harmony in the universe. We have to get acquainted to this idea that there is no real harmony as we have conceived it. But when I say this, I say this all full of admiration for the metaverse. It is not that I hate it, I love it. I love it very much. But I love it against my better judgment.


gonna have to rename this to the we’re all broke thread at this rate

the shocking part isn’t the dips but how fast they are

when my instinct is to sell I need to just sell a lot more than I do but I won’t, same mistake over and over.

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1 yr eth chart still looking quite strong

I’ve never seen red candles like that. Saw a thread about billions in long positions being liquidated. I’m just a poor watching from the sidelines

You’ve still got jay pegs never fear

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Ark Investment Management’s Cathie Wood called non-fungible tokens “the greatest thing to happen to artists.”

But the comment Friday at a Bloomberg panel in Miami prompted a disagreement with billionaire art investor and real estate developer Jorge Perez. Perez, whose name is on Miami’s main art museum, said he didn’t understand the “new art” and won’t buy NFTs.



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