The Crypto Thread

Reading last night’s convo. I never said I folded into the money in STTs though that probably was possible. You could just go all in with any 2 cards and guy should call a lot wider because he knows you are robbing him but cusses you out and then when he finally gets KK or something you suck out and he sits at the empty table bitching for like 10 minutes lmao. That and just wrecking people in PVP in video games was so fun.


This is quite staggering:

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I just tried to buy this coin $WEAPON on uniswap because everyone is spamming it on twitter and the clip of their game on their website looks cool and it would have cost me $80 in gas to buy $250 worth. Wtf is the point? I’m literally sitting here thinking why the fuck can’t i just buy it with paypal?

…and it more than doubled in in the 24 hours since I posted this despite BTC crashing.


Just broke my own rule not to dabble in sh!tcoins and YOLO’d 2.5 mil SHIBs.

Must say it feels grand to own 2.5 million of something.

Just go to Costco and buy a bag of Jasmine Rice


o/u on grains in a 5 pound bag of rice?
I’m sure this is google-able, I am not gonna count …

Spoilers in case anyone wants to guess before reading what Google says.

Google says 1 pound is approx 7000 grains, so 5 pounds would be 35,000. And, in order to have 2.5 million grains, you would, in fact, need about 350


If you want to affordably gambool on dodgy play-to-earn games that will likely never see an alpha launch, there’s like a dozen announced every week on BSC, Avalanche, Solana, etc.

The Elizabeth Warren of crypto!

no he’s the elizabeth warren of bitcoin, not all of crypto. clearly that’s someone else.

lol, now that dumb $weapon has almost tripled.

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The Cult are amazing. I saw them a few years ago and they still rock.

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i just read that something called @NFTVaginas exists, and i now would like an invite to discord @anon3530961

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Do you have $3,000?

i have some eth, i guess i could throw it at some nft game, although it sounds like just observing is where the fun is.


Im sorry does that say 700 USD?

So essentially, find any newsworthy word, and throw all my money at a crypto with a similar name?

Is there any Cancelculturecoins out there?