The Crypto Thread

Hmm, I need to log into my Binance account, I think I have some of that from 2017.

Wait, sorry, the really really really real answer is:


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Well, you probably do because they’ve always had the functionality of the BNB being used for discounted fees, so you at least have a few magical free dollars sitting there.

The thing I’m slightly annoyed by is I haven’t reupped my stack in awhile because the price action vs almost literally anything else has been bad, save for the last few days. I gave up on thinking precisely what happened happening.

Hell yeah, I got a free $200 I didn’t know existed, ty thread.


brother can i borrow five dollars

aw hellz yeah

8x in a couple weeks !


ok that one is stinging a bit

VGX seems like it could be the next loyalty token to moon even more as Voyager grows. They’re trying to be the RH of crypto.


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Note the date on that one.

And this lol:

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uh, does he know USD is also fundamentally worth zero because it’s only a medium of exchange we did because it made a lot more sense than having to figure out how to get rid of a bunch of chickens if we didn’t want them.

bitcoin is still a god awful currency if anyone actually used it as one but things are what people will pay for them no matter how stupid it is

we spend a lot of money on shiny rocks that are just shiny rocks and that’s held forever.

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Once upon a time I would’ve said, yes, of course they know that, they’re like actual economists and professors and stuff!

Seriously, the sketchiest ass dudes are these right wing cato institute doofuses who also somehow have a hate boner for bitcoin. Like, what’s the problem champ?


It’s like they’re so maliciously gleeful over the idea of people, and let’s be real mostly people who share their political and ethical beliefs, losing money they totally break from reality; specifically, they want to believe all those people bought at 20k at held to 4k when it seems like, and I’m not a economist nor professor, the way price action happens is a bunch of people buying and selling on the way up and down. Just a hunch though.

how are you not in the topshot thread

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lol i was literally about to open it and post “cliffs, you all filthy rich yet or what?”

i felt like i’d be FOMOing