The Crypto Thread

Solana is like a mini eth that wants to be eth but with a smaller developer base and smaller war chest to fund the necessary tech advancements to get to where they want to go. It’s a good idea but eth is gonna eat their lunch

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ya crypto is all fake. does it go stonks or harold

As will the impending stock market crash.

blockchain is life

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I reckon now is the time to worry about $SHIT er $SHIB

Awww fuck

Maybe the next one will be cat :cat2: themed

I, of course, sent $400 to $SHIB at the height.

what’s the opposite of the midas touch?


Wait, you’re telling me a meme coin with 549 trillion supply wasn’t a good investment?

Haha yes I have like 900k that I literally bought at ATH when the feeding frenzy was in full effect fml

Meanwhile this IOTX doohickey that I threw a hundred bucks at this past Saturday night whilst bored and a little drunk at this girl’s Halloween party is now worth over $700. If I had pulled all my dawg maneys that night and put it in IOTX we’d all be eatin Sizzler rn


Haha if it was 549 trillion I’d be a millionaire

It’s like 48 quadrillion

Oops iotx down to $619 while I was typing all that

Quick! How do I change all my dog coins for cat coins?

The future of money!

Gimme 5 bees for a quarter theyd say!


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Actually sold my SHIB yesterday. Who said you couldn’t time the market?

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Reddit speculation is that the wallet that went from $8k to $5B is selling off and that’s causing the massive downswong :man_shrugging: who knows

You invested $8k in a meme coin and now have a net worth equivalent to Howard Schultz. I’d sure hope they were selling!

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Actually I just read another article that said the $8k investor is the same one as the one in the thing you posted

Ohhhhhh so this is what happens when the whales sell off.

Take note crypto users

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