The Crypto Thread

Photo prints are a better analogy. Those can be endlessly reproduced except for the word of the photographer. Peter Lik sold one for $100M or something stupid.

Folks are too obsessed with the visual. You’re missing something. … I don’t have a clue what it is, but you – WE – are. I’m convinced of the value. That I don’t understand it, seems irrelevant. It seems to me that more of life is moving into this realm. All I need to know is the direction, not specifics.

Just an idea.


NFTs are not “art” in the way most people think of art. But what they “are,” don’t ask me …

I’ve seen ETH described not as a currency but as the “gas” of a network. … As more shit moves online … someone describes it like oil …

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This was said about a lot of things including tulip bulbs at one time or another.

i’m old enough to remember a time when people told me poker was nothing more than gambling. and ONLINE poker was the riskiest thing a person could do

When the cryptobros start discussing NFTs on the merit of the “art,” my eyes glaze over and I start making masturbatory motions with my hand. Like yea, I’m poor and stupid and not on the cutting edge with all the cool kids, but no one gives a shit about art. You’re all in it to make as much money possible with nothing of value created and no labor expended. To claim otherwise is some serious fart-smelling pretentiousness.

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Yeah, you’re right I guess, I mean, essentially more or less. Sometimes, it’s the other way …

I dunno. All of this seems absurd and natural at the same time. Crypto is clearly here to stay – there are financial rules now, and coming, and ETFs, and major corps buying in, and options in ATMs, and so on … what does a “collapse” look like? Tesla should have collapsed a while back, too, maybe … and BTC and ETH are different, and between them more different from other things … no one knows what this shit is, but I think there is value is loosening up on our preconceived ideas. there is value here, but what it is, well. I don’t think many people understand …

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But is crypto being used as a currency at all? It’s just a speculative store of value right now, right? Which works fine, until governments start making it illegal due to money laundering or mining destroying the environment or w/e. If that happens, it won’t die, but it will lose a lot of holders.

I mean, most people lost in poker. A decent percentage of that had money stolen outright by sites.

There is nothing inherently wrong with crypto or nfts in my opinion, but this way of talking about them like everyone who is involved makes money is obviously wrong. It is akin to the poker economy.

yes, for the multi-billion-dollar NFT market we’ve been discussing in this thread at length


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This is where fantasy and reality collide though. Blockchain doesn’t supersede state and federal law: thieves cannot transfer good title in most countries, and you also cannot knowingly accept stolen property in most places. So since the NFT marketplaces knew that these were stolen, allowing them to be traded is not really different from, e.g., an art dealer, gallery, or auction house knowingly facilitating the transfer of stolen art. This happens a lot and there are some pretty big cases like a judgment that went against MoMA over the title to Picasso’s Boy Leading a Horse.

My OWN idea … BTC collapses. It was created as a store of value, but doesn’t fit into the way of things … ETH is something different … there is a space for a shared digital currency … ETH is what drives the ethereum platform, on which many things operate. NFTs use the ethereum platform. … digital horse races … what else, I don’t know, but lots … and it will only grow. ETH has competitors, but eth also has incumbency, it’s not a currency but a platform and the world, particularly younger and particularly in nations not the US, may be engaged with the web (soon to be aka metaverse) in a new way … so … my ONLY advice in all this, is not to let your inherent biases blind you to what already exists


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so true! thank you!

I regret typing “it will only grow” as regards to ETH. I do think the need for something similar will grow, but not necessarily ETH. tho its incumbency is a thing,.

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and if this adoption of internet as lifestyle continues it’s going to blow gold all over the place?

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