The Crypto Thread

Your turn @beetlejuice


this is a little embarrassing but 100% sincere, I finally looked up what BAYC was (before all i knew was bored ape = nft = very expensive) but after digging into it, if I had the scratch, I’d totally look at buying one. lol.

I guess they finally got me, I’m a crypto bro now

my favorite one is over 1 million $$$. it doesn’t look like they really dropped in price (in terms of crypto and if you zoom out a bit) much which makes sense but still is kind of surprising.

i even rebuke the dumb “it’s not real art or good for artists” takes, a big criticism being it doesn’t make any kind of statement and is a purely vapid, narcissistic shallow display of wealth - which is a perfect representation of art in modern times though, isn’t it? it’s a parody of itself. i love it, i’m so sad i missed the boat so badly


I’ll try to defend myself from silent or open mockery here by saying i think some of this may actually be on to something. I look at rare cosmetics in games I’ve enjoyed over the years - chiefly CS Go and Rocket league, and to some degree valorant. there’s something fun and cool about obtaining a rare expensive skin and showing it off. it’s fun to collect and trade them and you’d be absolutely gobsmacked at how much $$$ the rarer CS knives go for.

if a persistent visible digital presence becomes way more mainstream outside of how it exists currently in the form of video games (I am bearish here about web3 however) it will absolutely become a thing where NFT’s and digital collectibles/cosmetics/status symbol types of things take off and hold value, I am firmly convinced of that.

No, people don’t do shit.

Algos run 80% of the show in a normal market and are predominantly the ones buying both the bottom when everyone at that time is pointing fingers on who is to blame for how we got fucked in the ass or they are the ones selling the top when they start auto shorting when a surge of sell orders is about to get executed.

only weakpoint hungry and thirsty

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I have discussed with the other mods and we’re going to create a new Crypto LC thread - for things like random links, etc. (basically for most/all of RM’s posting). Currently whenever RM makes a post this thread becomes unreadable.

This thread will remain for actual substantive discussion. Going to move the most recent RM posting and replies there shortly. Posting LC content here going forward will be moderated.


If you had that kind of money, you could plausibly consider putting a group together to acquire a Riverman rare.

The Crypto Thread: REAL (only post when crypto is going up)


Inflation 9.1%. Bitcoin neutral.

Eat it bitcoin haters. Bitcoin has officially unpegged itself from market happenings.

The S&P 500 fell .45 percent today.

The price crashes from Feb - June probably priced in the rate hikes.

Maybe a third crypto thread would put an end to which thread is best.

It’s amazing how easily you guys can fuck something up so bad. Have one thread and stfu.


Fucking Captains!


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Fiat currency is literally taking over people’s bodies


Is this the thread for ‘Crypto is dead !!1!1!!’?

Or 'Crypto is dead … '?

This is the crypto thread for serious discussion

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Interview pitch I received included some potential use cases for ledger technology.>

Blockchain technology will enable us to confirm that authentic drugs are shipped to authorized stakeholders and expose the production of counterfeit drugs. This will provide a secure, immutable history of transactions to all stakeholders.

We will be able to confirm how meat is manufactured, by tracking where animals are being sourced right to how it is being delivered to restaurants. Through Traent, the food industry will be exposed to less risks related to consumer safety.

Through this new blockchain technology, a product manufacturer (i.e. a company that produces car batteries) will be able to create a “digital embodiment” of each industrial battery. And document all the steps and data exchanges between the eventual customers and suppliers, from the car to the household to the recycling process.

A world famous museum will create next-gen certificates of art masterpieces that are published on the next-gen blockchain. This will guarantee copyright and transparency in sales and the provenance of the works.