The Crapto Thread


wtf lol

bitch the entire problem is you presenting everything without comment


do you have the slightest notion how far you are from passing a turing test at this point?

btw @olink he’s just being diplomatic; you totally fucking suck lol and there’s no way i’m telling you the news right now

What an awful Polk comment.

“I shilled a fraudulent company for money guys, shit happens, it wasn’t my fault, next time I shill another company that pays me, please continue to believe its legit so I can make money”




Good conversation with Bruce Schneier

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I’d argue that trading crypto instills this nihilism. The way you interact with the world can’t help but shape your opinion of it. When you’re trying to make some profit by speculating in an environment rife with scams around every corner, parsing a steady diet of fools, bullshit artists, and conmen to find your edges, a range of perspectives from nihilism to outright sociopathy is probably to be expected to result.

Sure, and the damage done in 2008 by investment banks peddling fraudulent mortgage backed securities dwarfs even that.

It’s still a false equivalence. There is fraud in banking, in companies, etc., and it is insufficiently punished. But in crypto, fraud is the norm. Without effective regulation, it has to be, ducy. Scams that we made illegal a hundred years ago are normalized, expected, even advertised.

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To be fair, the entire 2008 debacle where retail banks did NINJA loans with ARMs en mass, NINJA loans were packaged as triple AAA securities by rating agencies, and then wall street banks sold those mortgage backed securities all over the world almost brought the world economies to dust.

Nothing crypto does will ever surpass that level of insanity.

But you simply can’t compare index funds to crypto investment schemes. It’s just not remotely similar.

I think there is a difference. Massive difference.

If traditional financial industry was not regulated it would be a fraud fest as well. The insider trading going right now would be magnified a million times.

If we regulate the exchanges and “lending companies” in crypto it would go a long way to cleaning up the space.

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So true. Misery breeds company.

Yeah, it was until we did. Problem is with crypto there isn’t necessarily a jurisdiction you can regulate them in.

We mentioned this in the watch thread, this is a joke, Daytonas are down since the peak but still up compared to Jan 1st and up massively over the last like 4 years

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I can assure you my meager crypto holdings aren’t the thing making me feel like we’re hurtling towards an existential void. I also don’t put nearly as much effort into it as what your post suggests, although others may.

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we should make our own crypto exchange. it’ll be completely user funded - that means no banner ads, no paywall, but you gotta give.

I think for me, the head scratcher on bitcoin continuing to surge just like it has for the last half dozen dips is both the consistent shift from whales owning the majority to the small ball investors increasing their relative size that has increased in tandem to current levels of disposable income since 2016 when a lot similar nonsense in other markets started to go crazy.

I mean, apple has 10xed every decade for 40 years or so about but we can’t assume that it continues into perpetuity when 10xing for two more decades puts them way above the entire value of the united states market.

The majority of the crypto crew feels confident in a 500k bitcoin price which is cool and all but is that price based on that assumption that the broken economy might not actually collapse or that bitcoin will remain strong when the economy that we know of today collapses or changes?

Because institutional adoption really hasn’t played a major role in price since covid so either we get a more roided up retail surge somehow with money that isn’t there or bitcoin is going to actually have to accomplish some miracle regulatory magic that gets everyone on board.

Wait, the majority of the crypto crew thinks btc is going to 500k?