The Crapto Thread

I don’t even know what that is. I’ve owned a few different coins over the years. I’m a fucking dorkus


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Is that generally true for stakes? Like my LOOKS stake isn’t in my wallet, even though I used the wallet to make the stake. I thought the whole point of a stake is that you are lending crypto for someone else to use. But I don’t know how that works if you retain custody of the staked amount.

Short answer: yes, depending on what/how you want to trade.


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The biggest concern for me is hackers know who has money on coinbase, and are always looking to hijack email, Apple ID, sim, etc. So just make sure that stuff’s hardened and don’t go with t-mobile

I am refering to staking coins on thier native blockchain in a proof of stake scenario.

Not yield farming , which is risky.

I have a ledger , you can stake a wide variety of coins, while retaining the coins/keys offline .


Ok but if I buy a bitcorn for a dollar and sell it to another bro for two dollars, and the price crashes back to a dollar, then I made a dollar and the other bro lost a dollar. He obv deserves to lose his dollar but do I deserve to profit mine? The empathy seems all sideways and backwards here.

Assuming the contract works as advertised

It’s like a memory stick that holds you crypto offline so only you have access. It doesn’t live on any exchange that can go under or be hacked.

Takes an hour to setup.


BTC is still high.

It will if we increase the crooked behavior by about 4x.

Yes. Dex or uniswap to name 2 of many.

Even hotwallets don’t live on any exchange. The people keeping their entire net worth on FTX i guess would be analagous to the people who kept their entire net worth on FTP. There is no reason to keep more money on an exchange than you need for a particular trade (and even then there are better options).

The main use case for exchanges for non-dumbs is either leveraged trading or cashing out fiat to a bank.

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Sorry if this is a repost. How big is Is it just an exchange like FTX?

our man suzzer shoulda BOUGHT DAT DIP

son you’re never gonna make it in the ponzi business looking at day old charts

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It’s an exchange yeah. It’s medium to large-ish.

There’s a lot of smoke swirling around them and people have been withdrawing deposits en masse. So far they are coping and they claim to be solvent. It’s unclear if CRO in freefall actually represents a big problem for them the way an FTT crash did for FTX. (If CRO was still in freefall, which it isn’t).

You probably missed when we were talking about it in discord (cuz you’re free from the brain disease that’s compelled us to follow this 24/7) but FTX was offering a yield product, a relatively high one (5-8%), which is why so many people were keeping their ‘entire’ net worth there. This was after terraluna too. Yeah.

And the yield was a ponzi.

Lol that’s the hilarious part about this: there are so many fucking actual ponzis in crypto, I don’t know how they keep messing up that descriptor. You can pretty much throw a dart.


I’ve still been reading along some just not commenting a lot because it’s been a depressing few months.